61. Which of the following can produce a virtual image?

(A) Plane mirror (B) Concave mirror (C) Convex lens (D) All of these(Correct Answer) 

62. The number of images formed by two plane mirrors inclined at an angle of 60° of an object placed symmetrically between mirrors is

(A) 5(Correct Answer)  (B) Infinite (C) 6 (D) 7

63. The phenomenon of 'Mirage' is seen due to:

(A) Total Dispersion (B) Total Internal Reflection (Correct Answer) (C) Reflection (D) Refraction

64. 1 volt is equal to:

(A) 1 joule/coulomb (Correct Answer) (B) 1 coulomb/joule (C) 1 joule/coulomb² (D) I joule-coulomb

65. Which part of human eye controls the light entering into the eye?

(A) Iris (Correct Answer) (B) Cornea (C) Ciliary Muscles **(D) Pupil

66. What is the value of current (I) in the given circuit diagram?

(A) 1/2A (B) 2A  correct (C) 3/2A (D) 2/3A

67. Which out of these is not a formula for Electric Power?

(A) VI  (B) V2/R (C) P=I2/R  (D) IR2 Option c and D

68. The direction of magnetic field around a current-carrying conductor can be known by:

(A) Fleming's Left Hand Rule (Correct Answer) **(B) Fleming's Right Hand Rule **(C) Maxwell's Right Hand Thumb Rule **(D) Faraday's Rule

69. Which of the following is not a reflex action?

(A) Blinking of eyes (Correct Answer)  (B) Coughing (C) Sneezing (D) Writing

70. Which of the following parts of human brain is responsible for the coordination of voluntary movements?

(A) Cerebrum (B) Cerebellum (Correct Answer) (C) Medulla oblongata (D) Hypothalamus

71. Which gland secretes digestive enzymes as well as hormone in the human being?

(A) Ovary (B) Thyroid (C) Liver (D) Pancreas (Correct Answer)

72. Flow of energy in ecosystem

(A) Uni-directional (B) Bi-directional (Correct Answer) (C) Multi-directional (D) No specific direction

73. In the given food chain, suppose the amount of energy at fourth trophic level is 5kJ, what will be the energy available at the producer level?

Grass → Grasshopper → Frog → Snake → Hawk

(A) 5kJ (B) 50kJ (C) 500kJ (D) 5000kJ (Correct Answer)

74. What is the basic unit of heredity?

(A) Trait (B) Gene (Correct Answer) (C) Character (D) Cell

75. Which of the following is an example of genetic variation?

(A) One person has a scar, but his sibling does not (Correct Answer) (B) One person is older than another (C) Reeta eats meat, but her sister Geeta is a vegetarian (D) Two children have different eye colours

76. The correct sequence for transportation of sperms in the male reproductive system is:

(A) Testis → Vas deferens → Urethra (Correct Answer) (B) Vas deferens → Testis → Urethra (C) Urethra → Vas deferens → Testis **(D) None of these

77. Which type of blood flows in the right part of the heart?

(A) Oxygenated blood (B) Deoxygenated blood (Correct Answer) (C) Both (A) and (B) **(D) None of these

78. Which of the following disease is transmitted sexually?

(A) Kala azar (B) Jaundice (C) Cholera (D) Syphilis (Correct Answer)

79 .Which one of the following compounds shows endothermic reactions?

(A) NH₄Cl (B) CaCO₃ (Correct Answer) (C) NaCl **(D) Pb(NO₃)₂

80. How many water molecules does hydrated copper sulphate contain?

(A) 5(Correct Answer) (B) 10 (C) 7  (D) 2

81. What is the pH of HCl?

(A) Below 7 (Correct Answer) (B) Equal to 7 (C) Above 7 **(D) None of these

82. An oxidizing agent gives

(A) Hydrogen (B) Nitrogen (C) Oxygen (Correct Answer) **(D) Both (A) and (C)

83. The chemical reaction 2AgCl(s) → 2Ag(s) + Cl₂(g) occurs in the presence of which of the following conditions?

(A) Electric current  (B) Sunlight (Correct Answer) (C) Both (A) and (B) **(D) Both are shiny

84. Find the correct order of metals according to reactivity series:

(A) Iron, Zinc, Potassium, Copper (B) Zinc, Copper, Iron, Potassium (C) Zinc, Iron, Copper, Potassium (Correct Answer) (D) Potassium, Zinc, Iron, Copper

85. The atomic number of an element "X" is 17. Which noble gas is nearest to "X"

  • (A) He
  • (B) Ar** [Correct]
  • (C) Ne 
  • (D) Kr

86. Metals can be beaten into sheets, because:

  • (A) they are lustrous
  • (B) they are malleable ** [Correct]
  • (C) they are not hard
  • (D) they form ionic compounds

Explanation: Malleability is the property of a metal that allows it to be hammered or pressed into thin sheets without breaking. This property is due to the strong metallic bonds between the atoms in a metal. These bonds allow the atoms to slide over each other without breaking apart.

87. The number of double and single bonds present in benzene are:

  • (A) 6 and 9
  • (B) 3 and 6 ** [Correct] 
  • (C) 3 and 12
  • (D) 6 and 12 
  • [Correct] answer: 3 double bond 9 single bond

88. Which is not true about homologous series?

  • (A) They have the same general formula 
  • (B) There can be two or more than two functional groups in a single homologous series
  • (C) They have the same functional group
  • (D) They have similar chemical properties

89. What will be the magnification of a mirror whose radius of curvature is assumed to be infinity (∞)?

  • (A) 0
  • (B) +1 ** [Correct]
  • (C)  ♾️
  • (D) -1

Explanation: A mirror with a radius of curvature of infinity is a flat mirror. Flat mirrors have a magnification of +1, which means they produce an image that is the same size as the object.

90. If f is the focal length of a lens, then the power of the lens is equal to:

  • (A) 1/100f (cm)**[Correct] 1/f(in meter)
  • (B) 100/f (m)
  • (C) 10/f (cm) 
  • (D) 100/f (cm)

Explanation: The power of a lens is the reciprocal of its focal length. The formula for the power of a lens is P = 1/f, where P is the power in diopters and f is the focal length in meters.

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