(11) (English Version)
- You must write the subject-code / paper-code 809 in the box provided on the title page of your answer-book.
- Make sure that the answer-book contains 16 pages (including title page) and are properly serialized as soon as you receive it.
- Question's attempted after leaving blank page/s in the answer-book would not be evaluated.
- No extra sheet will be provided. Therefore give appropriate answer and do not cut the written answer. Draw labelled diagrams as required.
- Answer should be brief and to the point.
- All questions are compulsory.
Attempt the following multiple choice questions:
(35 x 1 = 35)
The gas required for combustion is:
- Hydrogen
- Oxygen
- Nitrogen
- Carbon-dioxide
Answer: (b) Oxygen
Earthworms are used to prepare:
- Compost
- Manure
- Green Manure
- Vermicompost
Answer: (d) Vermicompost
Eye fluid present behind the lens in eyeball:
- Aqueous humour
- Vitreous humour
- Tears
- Saliva
Answer: (b) Vitreous humour
Charge is produced by transfer of:
- Electrons
- Protons
- Atoms
- Neutrons
Answer: (a) Electrons
It is based on chemical effects of electricity:
- Electroplating
- Glowing of bulb
- Sublimation
- Distillation
Answer: (a) Electroplating
Sound can travel through:
- Gases only
- Liquids only
- Solids only
- Solids, Liquids and gases
Answer: (d) Solids, Liquids and gases
Which type of friction is greatest?
- Sliding friction
- Rolling friction
- Static friction
- None of these
Answer: (c) Static friction
While carrying luggage on the railway station a Coolie often rolls his cloth and places it on his head to:
- Increase force
- Increase pressure
- Reduce weight
- Reduce Pressure
Answer: (d) Reduce Pressure
Testes in the males produce:
- Estrogen
- Testosterone
- Insulin
- Progesterone
Answer: (b) Testosterone
Which of the following is a hermaphrodite animal?
- Frog
- Cow
- Dog
- Earthworm
Answer: (d) Earthworm
Flying squirrel is an endemic species of:
- Gir Forest Gujarat
- Panchmarhi Biosphere Reserve
- Kaziranga National Park
- Jim Corbett National Park
Answer: (b) Panchmarhi Biosphere Reserve
Which of following is an example of spontaneous combustion?
- Burning of Petrol
- Burning of Magnesium ribbon
- Burning of Camphor
- Burning of White Phosphorous
Answer: (d) Burning of White Phosphorous
The best quality coal is:
- Peat
- Lignite
- Bituminous
- Anthracite
Answer: (d) Anthracite
Which of the following cannot definitely be called living or non-living?
- Virus
- Algae
- Bacteria
- Fungi
Answer: (a) Virus
Three macronutrients are:
- Phosphorus, Carbon, Iron
- Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium
- Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium
- Nitrogen, Hydrogen, Chlorine
Answer: (b) Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium
Match Column A with Column B
Column A | Column B |
(xvi) 1. HIV | (b) Virus |
(xvii) 2. LPG | (c) Rapid Combustion |
(xviii) 3. The process of producing young ones of own kind | (a) Reproduction |
(xix) 4. Force | (e) Pull or Push |
(xx) 5. Point where the earth where earthquake originates | (d) Hypocentre |
Fill the blanks by choosing correct answers:
(Wind, Rabi, Micro-organisms, Fossil, Outermost, Sexual, Oil and sweat glands, Non-contact, Noise, Tin)
- Crop grown in winter are called ______ crops.
Answer: Rabi
- ______ can be seen with help of microscope.
Answer: Micro-organisms
- Coal and petroleum are called ______ fuels.
Answer: Fossil
- ______ part of flame is the hottest.
Answer: Outermost
- In human, reproduction is ______.
Answer: Sexual
- Acne and Pimples are common during puberty due to increased activity of ______.
Answer: Oil and sweat glands
- Gravitational force is a ______ force.
Answer: Non-contact
- Unwanted sound is called ______.
Answer: Noise
- Copper and brass utensils are coated with ______ metal.
Answer: Tin
- Air in motion is called ______.
Answer: Wind
- We throw sand on a slippery path to increase friction.
Answer: True
- Wetlands of International level are called Ramsar wetlands.
Answer: True
- CNG is more polluting than diesel.
Answer: False
- Manure contains more nutrients than fertilizers.
Answer: False
- Nocturnal animals can see only bright light.
Answer: False
Two marks questions (Do any Twelve questions.) 12 x 2 = 24
- What is difference between noise and music?
Answer: Noise is an unwanted and unpleasant sound, while music is an organized and pleasing sound.
- Write any two situations where friction is experienced?
Answer: 1. Walking on the ground. 2. Applying brakes on a bicycle.
- What is cell division?
Answer: Cell division is the process by which a parent cell divides into two or more daughter cells.
- What is red data book?
Answer: The Red Data Book is a public document that is created for recording endangered and rare species of animals, plants, fungi as well as other local subspecies that exist within a defined territory.
- List the conditions under which combustion can take place.
Answer: 1. Presence of a combustible substance. 2. Presence of a supporter of combustion (usually oxygen). 3. Ignition temperature.
- What are various varieties of coal?
Answer: Peat, Lignite, Bituminous, and Anthracite.
- Name the major groups of micro-organisms.
Answer: Bacteria, Fungi, Protozoa, and Algae.
- What are green manures?
Answer: Green manures are crops that are grown specifically to be plowed back into the soil to improve soil fertility and organic matter content.
- Draw a labelled diagram of Gold leaf electroscope. Give its construction.
Answer: (Diagram and Construction Explanation Required)
- Write few methods to reduce friction.
Answer: 1. Lubrication. 2. Polishing surfaces. 3. Using ball bearings.
- Define adolescence.
Answer: Adolescence is the period of transition between childhood and adulthood, characterized by rapid physical and psychological changes.
- How does Hydra Reproduce?
Answer: Hydra reproduces asexually through budding.
- Water is not used to control fires involving electrical equipment, why?
Answer: Water is a good conductor of electricity and can lead to electrocution if used on electrical fires.
- What are nocturnal animals?
Answer: Nocturnal animals are animals that are active during the night and sleep during the day.
- What is Epidemic? Give examples.
Answer: An epidemic is a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time. Examples: Influenza, Cholera.
- How can pure water be made an electrolyte?
Answer: Pure water can be made an electrolyte by dissolving an acid, base, or salt in it.
- What are Hormones? What is role of Hormones in human body?
Answer: Hormones are chemical messengers produced by the endocrine glands and transported by the bloodstream to target organs or tissues. They regulate various physiological processes in the body, such as growth, metabolism, and reproduction.
Three marks questions (Do any seven)
- What is drag?
Answer: Drag is a force that opposes the motion of an object through a fluid (liquid or gas). It acts in the opposite direction to the object's motion, slowing it down.
- Show with an activity that liquid pressure increases with depth.
Answer: (Activity Explanation Required)
- Write various causes of deforestation.
Answer: 1. Agriculture Expansion. 2. Logging. 3. Mining. 4. Urbanization. 5. Forest Fires.
- What are petrochemicals?
Answer: Petrochemicals are chemical products derived from petroleum. They are used to make a wide variety of products, including plastics, synthetic fibers, fertilizers, and detergents.
- What are different ways of sowing seeds?
Answer: 1. Broadcasting. 2. Seed Drilling. 3. Transplanting. 4. Dibbling.
- With the help of labelled diagram explain human eye.
Answer: (Diagram and Explanation Required)
- Describe construction of human ear and explain its working.
Answer: (Construction and Explanation Required)
- What are contact forces?
Answer: Contact forces are forces that occur when two objects are in physical contact with each other. Examples include friction, tension, and normal force.
- What is Kaleidoscope? What are its uses?
Answer: A kaleidoscope is an optical instrument with two or more reflecting surfaces tilted at an angle to one another, so that one or more (parts of) objects on one end of the mirrors are shown as a symmetrical patterned image when viewed from the other end. It is used in art, design, and education.
- Can sound travel through solids? If yes, explain with activity.
Answer: Yes, sound can travel through solids. (Activity Explanation Required)