Class 6th English Question paper September 2024


Class 6th  English Question paper September 2024

Class VI      MM: 80

Section-A (Reading Comprehension) (15 x 1 = 15 Marks)

1(a). Read the passage and answer the questions that follow:

India is a land of pilgrims and pilgrimages. These holy places, whether in the hills or in the plains, are generally situated on the river banks. Haridwar is one such place. It is situated on the bank of river Ganga. Here the Ganga leaves the mountains and enters the plains. Thousands of people visit this place every day. On special occasions lakhs of devotees gather here to take the ritual bath in the holy Ganga. The Kumbh Mela is such grandest occasion. It occurs after every twelve years.

i. What is situated on the banks of rivers?
a) Pilgrims
b) Pilgrimages
c) Holy places
d) All of these

ii. Haridwar is situated on the bank of river _____.
a) Yamuna
b) Indus
c) Tapi
d) Ganga

iii. What does the Ganga do in Haridwar?
a) Leaves the mountains
b) Enters the plains
c) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
d) Neither ‘a’ nor ‘b’

iv. Which is the biggest celebration that occurs in Haridwar?
a) Ritual bath
b) Kumbh Mela
c) Devotion of pilgrims
d) None of the above

v. After how many years does the Kumbh Mela occur?
a) Ten
b) Eleven
c) Twenty
d) Twelve

1(b). Read the following conversation carefully and answer the following questions: (5 x 1 = 5 Marks)

Harman: Hi Karan, how are you?
Karan: Hello Harman, I am fine and good?
Harman: I am also fine. You will be glad to know that my parents are going to arrange a birthday party on coming Sunday.
Karan: That’s great! Whose birthday party?
Harman: Don’t you remember that my younger brother’s birthday is coming.
Karan: Oh! I forgot that. At what time will the party start?
Harman: It will start at 5 p.m. at our home. You must come.
Karan: Certainly, I will attend the party.

i. Who is Karan?
a) Father
b) Younger sister
c) Younger brother
d) Harman's friend

ii. Who are going to arrange the party?
a) Harman's grandfather
b) Harman's sister
c) Harman's brother
d) Harman's parents

iii. Whose birthday is coming?
a) Harman's
b) Harman's younger brother's
c) Karan's
d) None of these

iv. At what time will it start?
a) 5 p.m.
b) 6 p.m.
c) 7 p.m.
d) 5 a.m.

v. Where will the party be organized?
a) In a hotel
b) In school canteen
c) In a park
d) At home

1(c). Look at the poster carefully and answer the questions:

i. What is the poster about?
a) Save fuel for today
b) Save fuel for past
c) Save fuel for future
d) Save fuel for present

ii. What are the different ways to save fuel?
a) No use of vehicles for shorter distances
b) Turn off the engines at red light
c) Only use as much needed
d) All of the above

iii. We should not spend like a _____.
a) Rich
b) Beggar
c) Poor
d) Needy

iv. What should be turned-off at red light?
a) Fuel
b) LPG
c) Public
d) Engines

v. This poster is issued for _____.
a) Vehicles
b) Public
c) Beggars
d) Rich

Section-B (Literature and Vocabulary) (25 Marks)

2. Answer any three questions: (3 x 2 = 6 Marks)

i. What does the boy say about the cow at the end of the story?
ii. Where was the water found?
iii. Why did the boy want to go to another city?
iv. What did the crow see on the ground?
v. What did the crow not like about himself?

3. Write down the meanings of any three words in Punjabi/Hindi: (3 x 1 = 3 Marks)
Delicious, fuss, to and fro, resource, realized

4. Who said to whom? (3 x 1 = 3 Marks)
i) “Peacock feathers will not make you a peacock.”
ii) “You look so dull and plain. Look how beautiful the peacocks are.”
iii) “You will not be able to fly properly with these stuck on your body.”

5. Make sentences of any three of the following words/phrases: (3 x 1 = 3 Marks)
Frown, stay away, tusker, climb up, swift

6. Choose the correct option: (2 x 1 = 2 Marks)

i) What was close to the lake?
a) A big forest
b) A colony of rabbits
c) The moon
d) The sun

ii) What did the little rabbit climb?
a) A mountain
b) A huge rock
c) On the back of the elephant king
d) The moon

7. Read the stanza carefully and answer any two questions: (2 x 2 = 4 Marks)

How it gushes and struggles out
From the throat of the overflowing spout!
Across the window-pane it pours and pours;

i) Name the poem and the poet.
ii) What gushes and struggles out?
iii) Where does the rain pour?

8. Answer any two questions: (2 x 2 = 4 Marks)

i) What did the poet bring home in the poem ‘My Furry Friend’?
ii) Why does the puppy growl?
iii) Which are the places where the rain falls?

Section-C (Grammar and Composition) (40 Marks)

9. Do as directed: (15 Marks)

i) Read the sentence and tell the common noun: She also loves ice-cream.
a) She
b) Also
c) Loves
d) Ice-cream

ii) Read the sentence and tell the proper noun:
Jyoti laughs and claps her hands.
a) Jyoti
b) Laughs
c) Claps
d) Hands

iii) What is the plural of ‘piano’?
a) Piano
b) Pianoes
c) Pianos
d) Pianoss

iv) What is the plural of ‘louse’?
a) Louses
b) Lousess
c) Louss
d) Lice

v) What is the opposite gender of ‘nephew’?
a) Niece
b) Lass
c) Mistress
d) Girl

vi) What is the opposite gender of ‘master’?
a) Mistress
b) Mother
c) Parent
d) Sister

vii) Fill in the blank with the correct option:
My grandmother is an old _____.
a) Mistress
b) Lady
c) Aunt
d) Man

viii) Fill in the blank using a personal pronoun:
Are _____ friends or not?
a) He
b) She
c) We
d) It

ix) Fill in the blank using a demonstrative pronoun:
_____ are nice looking flowers.
a) This
b) That
c) Such
d) These

x) Fill in the blank using an interrogative pronoun:
_____ is your brother’s name?
a) Who
b) Whom
c) Whose
d) What

xi) Use capital letters where needed:
does pratima live in mumbai?
a) Does pratima live in mumbai?
b) Does Pratima live in mumbai?
c) Does pratima live in Mumbai?
d) Does Pratima live in Mumbai?

xii) Use capital letters where needed:
i will buy sony television from delhi.
a) I will buy sony television from delhi.
b) I will buy Sony television from Delhi.
c) I will buy Sony Television from Delhi.
d) I will buy sony television from Delhi.

xiii) Punctuate the sentence correctly:
do you like tea or coffee
a) Do you like tea or coffee?
b) Do you like tea or coffee.
c) Do you like tea, or coffee?
d) Do you like tea, or coffee.

xiv) Punctuate the sentence correctly:
i have a dog its name is caesar
a) I have a dog its name is Caesar.
b) I have a dog, its name is Caesar.
c) I have a dog. Its name is Caesar.
d) I have a dog. its name is caesar.

xv) Pick out the action word:
a) Nibbles
b) Mouse
c) House
d) Treat

10. Letter Writing: (6 Marks)

Write a letter to your uncle thanking him for the beautiful gift he has sent to you.
Write a letter to your friend inviting him for the birthday party.

11. Paragraph Writing: (4 Marks)

Write a paragraph on either:
a) The Cow
b) Kabaddi

12. Picture Composition: (4 Marks)

Look at the picture given below and describe it in your words. For the description, you may use these words or phrases:
Forest, trees, crow, fox, a piece of cheese

Section-D (Translation) (6 Marks)

13. Translate any three into Punjabi/Hindi: (3 x 1 = 3 Marks)

i) Stand in a queue.
ii) Switch off the light.
iii) Brush your teeth twice.
iv) This is a table.
v) Do your work.

14. Translate any three into English: (3 x 1 = 3 Marks)

i) ਮੇਰੀ ਗੱਲ ਸੁਣੋ।
ii) ਫਿਕਰ ਨਾ ਕਰੋ।
iii) ਹਲੀਮੀ ਨਾਲ ਗੱਲ ਕਰੋ।
iv) ਮੈਨੂੰ ਆਪਣੀ ਕਿਤਾਬ ਦਿਉ।
v) ਮੈਂ ਇੱਕ ਵਿਦਿਆਰਥੀ ਹਾਂ।

15. Marks for good handwriting: 5 Marks

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