Online applications are invited for direct recruitment for the 7471 TGT posts of (Group‐C Services) mentioned below under para 6 through the URL address i.e http://adv22022.hryssc.in/StaticPages/Home Page.aspx from 05.10.2022 to 26.10.2022 till 11.59 P.M.

 HSSC TGT RECRUITMENT 2022 official website : https://www.hssc.gov.in/

TRAINED GRADUATE TEACHERS (TGT) (GROUP-C SERVICES) DEPARTMENT OF ELEMENTARY EDUCATION, HARYANA QUALIFICATIONS COMMON TO ALL POSTS  Eligibility:- (a) Hindi/Sanskrit as one of the subject in Matriculation or Higher. (b) Certificate of having qualified Haryana Teacher Eligibility Test (HTET)/School Teachers Eligibility Test (STET) of respective subject for the post applied, conducted by Board of School Education Haryana, Bhiwani.  

  • Date of publication 27.09.2022 
  • Opening date for submission of online applications 05.10.2022 
  • Closing date for submission of online application 26.10.2022 
  • Closing date for deposit of fee 28.10.2022

Age: 18‐42 years.  

Pay Scale: Rs.9300‐34800 with a grade pay of Rs. 4600/

1761 posts of TGT English (Rest of Haryana - ROH) 

E.Q. (i) Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized university with at least 50% marks in English as compulsory or elective or Core or Honours subject and English as a teaching subject in BTC/JBT/D.Ed. (Diploma in Education)/Diploma in Elementary Education (D.EI.Ed.);  

73 posts of TGT Home Science (Rest of Haryana). 

E.Q. (i) B.Sc. Home Science and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education; OR B.Sc. Home Science with at least 50% marks and 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.); OR B.Sc. Home Science with at least 45% marks and 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.), in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations issued from time to time in this regard;

 10 posts of TGT Music (ROH) 

EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION:  (i) B.A. and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education; OR B.A. with at least 50% marks and 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.); OR B.A. with at least 45% marks and 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.), in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations issued from time to time in this regard; OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4 year Bachelor in Elementary Education (B. EI. Ed.);

821 posts of TGT Physical Education (ROH) 

EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION  (i) Graduate with Bachelor of Physical Education (B.P.Ed.) or Diploma in Physical Education (D.P.Ed.) or its equivalent from a recognized University; (ii) Matric with Hindi/ Sanskrit or 10+2/B.A./M.A. with Hindi as one of the subject; (iii) Certificate of having qualified Haryana Teacher Eligibility Test (HTET) /School Teachers Eligibility Test (STET).

1443 posts of TGT Arts (ROH).

EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION :  (i) B.F.A./B.A. and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education; OR B.F.A./B.A. with at least 50% marks and 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.); OR B.F.A./B.A. with at least 45% marks and 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.), in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations issued from time to time in this regard; OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4 year Bachelor in Elementary Education (B. EI. Ed.); OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4 year BA Ed.;

714 posts of TGT Sanskrit (ROH) 

EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION. (i) B.A. with at least 50% marks in Sanskrit as an elective subject and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education; OR B.A with at least 50% marks as well as in Sanskrit as an elective subject and 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.); OR B.A with at least 45% marks as well as 50% marks in Sanskrit as an elective subject and 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.), in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations issued from time to time in this regard;  

1297 posts of TGT Science (ROH) 

EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION. (i) B.Sc. and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education; OR B.Sc with at least 50% marks and 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.); OR B.Sc. with at least 45% marks and 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.), in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations issued from time to time in this regard; OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4 year Bachelor in Elementary Education (B. EI. Ed.); OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4 year B.Sc. Ed; 


EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION. (i) B.A. with at least 50% marks in Urdu as an elective subject and 2- year Diploma in Elementary Education; OR B.A. with at least 50% marks as well as in Urdu as an elective subject and 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.);

106 posts of TGT Hindi (MEWAT -MWT) 

EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION. (i) B.A. with at least 50% marks in Hindi as an elective subject and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education;

212 posts of TGT Sanskrit (MWT). 

EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION (i) B.A. with at least 50% marks in Sanskrit as an elective subject and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education; OR B.A with at least 50% marks as well as in Sanskrit as an elective subject and 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.); 

100 posts of TGT Urdu (MWT). 

EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION (i) B.A. with at least 50% marks in Urdu as an elective subject and 2- year Diploma in Elementary Education; OR B.A. with at least 50% marks as well as in Urdu as an elective subject and 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.); OR B.A. with at least 45% marks as well as 50% marks in Urdu as an elective subject and 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.), in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations issued from time to time in this regard.

234 posts of TGT Science (MWT)

EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION. (i) B.Sc. and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education; OR B.Sc. with at least 50% marks and 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.); 

93 posts of TGT Mathematics (MWT). 

EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION. (i) B.A./B.Sc./B.Com with at least 50% marks in Mathematics as an elective subject and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education; OR B.A./B.Sc./B.Com with at least 50% marks as well as in Mathematics as an elective subject and 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.); OR B.A./B.Sc./B.Com with at least 45% marks as well as 50% marks in Mathematics as an elective subject and 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.), in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations issued from time to time in this regard; 

01 post of TGT Music (MWT)

EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION. (i) B.A. and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education; OR B.A. with at least 50% marks and 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.); OR B.A. with at least 45% marks and 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.), in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations issued from time to time in this regard;

246 posts of TGT Physical Education (MWT).

EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION. (i) Graduate with Bachelor of Physical Education (B.P.Ed.) or Diploma in Physical Education (D.P.Ed.) or its equivalent from a recognized University; (ii) Matric with Hindi/Sanskrit or 10+2/B.A./M.A. with Hindi as one of the subject; (iii) Certificate of having qualified Haryana Teacher Eligibility Test (HTET)/ School Teachers Eligibility Test (STET). 

 260 posts of TGT Arts (MWT). E.Q. (i) B.F.A./B.A. and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education; OR B.F.A./B.A. with at least 50% marks and 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.); OR  B.F.A./B.A. with at least 45% marks and 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.), in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations issued from time to time in this regard;

06 posts of TGT Home Science (MWT) E.Q. (i) B.Sc. Home Science and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education; OR B.Sc. Home Science with at least 50% marks and 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.);

Criteria for Selection, Examination & Syllabus.  The scheme of marks in respect of selection to the posts shall comprise of total 100 marks

Subject      : Marks  Percentage 

Written Examination : 95% 

Socio-economic criteria and experience:  05%


OFFICIAL WEBSITE : https://www.hssc.gov.in/



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