Class-XII Fundamentals of E-Business Sample Paper 2024-25



Fundamentals of E-Business Sample Paper 2024-25

(Commerce and Humanities Group)

Time: 3 Hrs.
Max. Marks: 80


  1. The Question Paper will cover the whole of the Syllabus.
  2. 26 Questions will be set in the Question paper.
  3. All units should be given adequate representation in the question paper.
  4. The Question paper will have 3 sections and all sections are compulsory.
  5. Section A: Question No. 1 consists of 20 sub-parts 1(i) to 1(xx) carrying 1 mark each. Objective type questions may include multiple choice type questions / questions with one word or one sentence / fill in the blanks (with two options regarding fill-ups). Answers to questions with one word or one sentence should be given in 1-15 words only.
  6. Section B: Question No. 2 to 17 will carry 2 marks each. Answer these questions in 5 to 10 lines.
  7. Section C: Question No. 18 to 26 will carry 4 marks each. Attempt any seven questions from this section. Questions will be set as per unit-wise distribution. Answer these questions in 15 to 20 lines.

Section A

Q.1 All parts are compulsory. Each question carries one mark:

  1. Which one of the following I.T. applications is commonly used by doctors?
    (A) CT Scan (B) MRI (C) Laser Surgeries (D) All of these
  2. Which of the following are the essential elements of e-security?
    (A) Authenticity (B) Data Integrity (C) Non-repudiation (D) All of these
  3. Which one of the following is not an input device of a computer?
    (A) Trackball (B) Joystick (C) Projector (D) Scanner
  4. E-Marketing requires:
    (A) Whole-sellers (B) Retailers (C) Costly outlets (D) None of these
  5. Which one of the following is not multimedia software?
    (A) Paint Brush (B) MS-Word (C) Photoshop (D) Photo finish
  6. In the stock market, Online trading is a service offered on the internet for the purchase and sale of:
    (A) Goods (B) Services (C) Securities (D) None of these
  7. E-Commerce is the process of doing business ______.
    (A) On-line (B) Off-line (C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of these
  8. E-banking provides:
    (A) Local coverage (B) National coverage (C) Global coverage (D) None of these
  9. What are MP3 players used for?
  10. What is Encryption?
  11. What is Bluetooth?
  12. What is EFT?
  13. Under which act are cyber-crimes dealt with in India?
  14. What is Dematerialisation?
  15. PC stands for ___________. (Portable computer/Personal computer)
  16. PIN is ___________ Identification Number. (Private/Personal)
  17. ___________ is a group of programs. (Hardware/Software)
  18. Global access is provided by ___________ marketing. (Electronic/Traditional)
  19. Exploring the web is generally called ________. (Website/Net Surfing)
  20. __________ are also called stored value cards. (Smart Cards/Cash Cards)

Section B

Attempt all questions from Q no. 2 to 17 which carry 2 marks each:

  1. Write any two limitations of Information technology.
  2. What is an Inkjet Printer?
  3. What do you mean by Primary Memory in a computer?
  4. Explain any two limitations of a computer.
  5. What is the use of a webcam as a multimedia hardware device?
  6. What is meant by B2B, E-Commerce?
  7. What is meant by Graphics?
  8. What is a search engine?
  9. Write any two disadvantages of the Internet.
  10. Write any two differences between Traditional commerce and E-commerce.
  11. What do you mean by Credit Card?
  12. What is application software?
  13. What do you mean by Net Banking?
  14. What is the meaning of E-Trading?
  15. What is an Antivirus?
  16. What do you mean by E-Marketing?

Section C

Do any seven questions out of nine questions. Each question carries 4 marks:

  1. Write any four disadvantages of E-mail.
  2. Explain five P’s of E-Marketing in brief.
  3. What is authenticity? Write any three ways to authenticate a person.
  4. Write any four advantages of E-Banking to banks.
  5. Write any four benefits of E-Trading.
  6. Discuss four different areas for uses of multimedia.
  7. Explain any four characteristics of Computers.
  8. Explain in brief two input devices and two output devices.
  9. Explain any four advantages of Smart Card.

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