When and how was the “secularism" added to the Preamble?

a) In 1976 by 43rd amendment b) In 1976 by 42nd amendment

c) In 1975 by 42nd amendment d) In 1974 by 44th amendment

  • Ans. In 1976 by 42nd amendment

When was the word ‘Socialist’ added to Preamble?

a) by 44th Amendment b) by 43th Amendment

c) by 42th Amendment d) by 48th Amendment

  • 42th Amendment

What is the nature of the constitution of England?

a) Rigid b) Flexible c) Rigid and Flexible both d) None of these

  • Ans. Flexible

 According to the Parliamentary form of Government, the real Power lies with the ___________.

a) President b) Judge c) Lok Sabha d) Council of Ministers

Ans. Council of Ministers

Who heads the cabinet?

a. Prime Minister b.President c. Speaker d. Home Minister

Ans: Prime Minister

Where did India take the model of parliamentary form of government from?

a. Ireland b. Australia c. America d. England

  • Ans: From England

According to the Indian Constitution, what is minimum age to become a voter?

a) 21 years b) 19 years c) 18 years d) 25 years

  • Ans. 18 years

Where are the Directive Principles of State Policy enshrined in the Constitution?

a. In the 4th chapter b. In the Ist chapter

c. In the 3rd chapter d. In the 5th chapter

  • Ans- In the 4th chapter

According to Right against Exploitation, a person below ______age can't be placed in any factory to do a job.

a) 18years b) 12 years c) 14 years d) 15 years

  • Ans. 14 years 

What is the minimum age to be a member of Rajya Sabha?

a) 35 years b. 25 years c)18 years d) 21 years

  • Ans. 35 years

Specify one of the topics in the concurrent list:-

a) Railways and defence b) Public health c) Labour welfare d) Law making

  • Ans. Labour welfare

The Constitutional Head of State is: -

a) Chief Minister b) Governor c) Prime Minister d) President

  • Ans. Governor

The highest court of the state is: -

a) District Court b)Session Court c) High Court d) Supreme Court

  • Ans. High Court

The courts that have been set up for speedy justice to the poor and the exploited are called:

a) Session Courts b) Consumer Courts c)High Courts d)Lok Adalats

  • Ans. Lok Adalats

According to the constitution, what is the maximum number of members in the State Legislative Assembly?

a) 545 b) 500 c) 250 d) 117

  • Ans. 500

Which language is the word ‘Democracy’ derived from ?

a) English b)Latin c)French d) Greek

  • Ans. Greek

Democracy is a government of the people, for the people and by the people. Who said this?

a) Lenin b)Abraham Lincoln c)Aristotle d) Mahatma Gandhi

  • Ans. Abraham Lincoln

When was the first Lok Sabha elections held?

a) 1947 AD. b)1950 AD. c)1954 AD. d) 1952 AD.

  • Ans. 1952 AD.

Which party’s election symbol is "lotus flower"?

a) Congress b)Bhartiya Janata Party c)Akali Dal d) Bahujan Samaj Party

  • Ans. Bhartiya Janata Party

What is the minimum age to cast vote?

a) 21 years b)18 years c)25 years d) 16 years

  • Ans. 18 years

When was the 'Panchsheel' agreement signed between India and China ?

a) 1947 AD. b)1954 AD. c)1962 AD. d) 1971 AD.

  • Ans. 1954 AD.

When was the United Nations Organisation established?

a) 1945 AD. b)1954 AD. c)1962 AD. d) 1971 AD.

  • Ans. 1945 AD.

How many founding members were there of the United Nations Organisation?

a) 10 b)51 c)192 d) 5

  • Ans. 51

When did the principle of Panchsheel get its recognition in the U.N. General Assembly?

a) 15 August 1947 b)14 December 1959 c)29 April 1954 d) 24 October 1945

  • Ans. 14 December 1959

When was the Nuclear Bomb testing conducted in Pokhran?

a) 1998 b)1999 c)1996 d) 1997

Ans. 1998

Who is considered the founder of India’s present foreign policy?

a. Mahatma Gandhi b. Vallabh Bhai Patel c. Jawaharlal Nehru d. Narendra Modi

  • Ans. Jawaharlal Nehru

 When was the agreement of Panchsheel signed?

a. 29 April 1954 AD. b. 29 April 1950 AD.

c. 29 April 1952 AD. d. 29 April 1947 AD.

  • Ans. 29 April 1954 AD.

How many principles were adopted under the agreement of Panchsheel ?

a. four b. three c. Seven d. five

  • Ans. five

Between which two countries was the agreement of Panchsheel taken place?

a. India and Bangladesh b. India and China c. India and Pakistan d. India and Nepal

  • Ans. India and China

On 14 Dec. 1959, how many countries accpted the principles of Panchsheel in the General Assembly of U.N.?

a.82 b.80 c. 75 d.70

  • Ans. 82

When did India take membership of Commonwealth?

a. 26 November 1949 AD. b. 17 May 1945 AD.

c. 17 June 1945 AD. d. 26 May 1945 AD.

  • Ans: 17 May 1945 AD.

How many members does the U.N.O. have today?

a. 117 b. 250 c.193 d. 207

  • Ans. 193

How many members does the Security Council have?

a. 17 b.19 c.20 d. 15

  • Ans. 15

When was the war between India and China fought?

a. 1950 AD. b.1962 AD. c. 1996 AD. d. 1971 AD.

  • Ans. 1962 AD.

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