September Examination 2024 Class 10+1 Biology


September Examination 2024 Class 10+1 Subject: Biology 

Time: 3 Hrs           Max Marks: 70

Section – A (1 Mark Questions)

Ques 1. A. Multiple Choice Questions.

1. Bionomical nomenclature was given by:

  • i. Linnaeus
  • ii. Pliny
  • iii. Bentham and Hookes
  • iv. Aristotle

2. Taxanomy refers to:

  • i. Classification
  • ii. Nomenclature
  • iii. Identification
  • iv. All of these

3. One of the major components of cell wall of most fungi is:

  • i. Chitin
  • ii. Peptidoglycan
  • iii. Cellulose
  • iv. Hemicellulose

4. Which archaebacteria is present in the guts of ruminant animals such as cows and buffaloes?

  • i. Speculums
  • ii. Methanogens
  • iii. Heterogens
  • iv. Halophiles

5. Which one of the following phylum is characterized by absence of true coelom?

  • i. Annelida
  • ii. Mollusca
  • iii. Echinodermata
  • iv. Nematoda

6. Which of the following statement is correct?

  • i. Platypus lays eggs
  • ii. Whales respire by gills
  • iii. Camels have bioconcave RBCs
  • iv. Bats do not fly

7. Identify the type of placentation shown below:

  • i. Marginal placentation
  • ii. Parietal Placentation
  • iii. Axial placentation
  • iv. Basal Placentation

8. Which of the following is not membrane bound?

  • i. Mesosomes
  • ii. Ribosomes
  • iii. Nucleoid
  • iv. Cell Wall

9. The ribosomes are present on:

  • i. Membrane of Golgi complex
  • ii. Rough endoplasmic reticulum
  • iii. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
  • iv. Microtubules

10. Which membrane protects the eyes of frogs in water?

  • i. Tympanum
  • ii. Skin
  • iii. Sebaceous
  • iv. Nictitating

11. Frogs are beneficial to us because:

  • i. They protect crops
  • ii. They link food web
  • iii. They are food to man
  • iv. All of these

12. Stem develops from:

  • i. Radicle
  • ii. Cotyledon
  • iii. Mesocarp
  • iv. Plumule

13. Closed vascular bundles lacks:

  • i. Pith
  • ii. Xylem
  • iii. Cambium
  • iv. Xylem Vessels

14. What is tonoplast:

  • i. Outer membrane of mitochondria
  • ii. Membrane boundary of vacuole of plant cells
  • iii. Inner membrane of chloroplast
  • iv. Cell membrane of a plant cell

B. Fill in the blanks:

15. The smallest unit of classification is _____

16. ____________ is eukaryotic unicellular kingdom

17. Presence of mammary glands is characteristic feature of _______

18. __________ roots are present in sugarcane

19. Pith is well developed in _______ stem

20. Body of frog is divisible into _______ and _______

21. Nerve cells are _______ in shape

22. _______ are rod shaped bacteria

C. True or False:

23. Bacteria are sole members of kingdom monera.

24. Lysosome are k/as power house of the cell.

25. Animals keep growing throughout their life.

26. Proproots are present in banyan tree.

27. Rhodophyceae are red algae

28. Arthropoda is the largest phylum of Kingdom Animalia.

Section – B (2 Marks Questions)

Ques 2. Define Species.

Ques 3. Who proposed 5 kingdom classification? Name all the kingdoms.

Ques 4. Why are teeth absent in birds?

Ques 5. Differentiate between open and closed type of blood vascular system.

Ques 6. Draw the diagram of dicotyledonous seed.

Ques 7. Write a note on lichens.

Ques 8. Name two semi-autonomous bodies of cell.

Ques 9. Differentiate between parallel and reticulate venation.

Ques 10. Draw male reproductive system of frog.

Ques 11. What is difference between root hairs and stem hairs?

Section – C (3 Marks Questions)

Ques 12. Write rules for binomial nomenclature.

Ques 13. Write characters of phylum Arthropoda.

Ques 14. Explain different types of aestivation.

Ques 15. Draw T.S of dicot stem.

SECTION D (5 Marks Questions)

Ques 16. (a) Differentiate between Ostechthyes and Chondrochthyes fishes.

(b) Name the largest animal phylum.

(c) Name the phylum with soft body.


Explain the major characters of class mammals and Reptilia.

Ques 17. (a) Explain different types of plastids.

(b) Write a note on nucleus.


Explain different types of algae.

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