School Of Eminence (SOE) 8th Science Answer Key 2023

 61. Manpreet got infected from cold some days ago and his friend Arjun also got infected today. Their teacher told them that there are some diseases which get transmitted from infected person to healthy person and are called Communicable diseases. Which one of the following is not a communicable disease?

(1) Cholera 

(2) Common cold

(3) T.B.

(4) Goitre 💜

62. Which of the following non-metal is used as antibiotic?

(1) Chlorine 

(2) Bromine

(3) lodine 

(4) Oxygen

63. An embryo develops in which part in human female reproductive system?

(1) Ovary 

2) Fallopian tube 

(3) Uterus 💜

(4) Stomach

64. Dilshad found two pieces of magnets from an old speaker. When he join two pieces of the magnet then the magnet attracts one pole of another magnet but repels its another pole because:

(1) Like poles of a magnet attract each other.

(2) Unlike poles of a magnet repel each other. 

(3) Like poles of a magnet repel each other. 💜

(4) None of the above

65. Name the phenomenon when light bounces back after striking on the surface of mirror. 

(1) Refraction of light

(2) Reflection of light ✅

(3) Scattering of light 

(4) None of above

66. What is the unit of intensity of sound?

(1) Hertz

(2) Pascal 

(3) Decibel 💜

(4) Newton

67. Rajinder inserted an electric tester into water. He noticed that bulb of the tester does not glow. What could be the most probable reason for this?

(1) Water was impure. (3) Water was distilled 💜

(2) Water was Salty  (4) Water was chilled 

68. Rolling Friction is more than.........  

(1) Fluid friction 💜

(2) Sliding friction

(3) Static friction 

(4) All of the above.

69. Wooden and Iron boxes were placed on Sunita's table. Both the boxes fell down when touched. Sunita found that wooden box does not made any sound when dropped but a special sound is heard when Iron box is dropped. Which property of metals does it show?

(1) Sonority 💜

(2)  Malleability

 (3) Ductility

(4) Conductivity

70. Teacher taught the students that microorganisms are so tiny that they cannot be seen with the naked eye. The teacher showed microorganisms moving in pond water with the help of an instrument. Can you suggest the name of that instrument? 

(1) Compound Microscope💜

(2) Pin hole camera 

(3) Telescope

(4) Electroscope

71. In which part of the cell, organelles are present? 

(1) Nucleus

(2) Plasma Membrane

(3)  Cytoplasm 💜

(4)  Protoplasm

72. Write three main parts of the cell?

(1) Nucleus, Plasma Membrane, Cytoplasm 

(2) Cell Wall, Nucleus, Cytoplasm 💜

(3) Mitochondria, Golgi Bodies, Ribosomes

(4) All of above

73. While praising new bicycle of Rambir, Rajdeep said that handle of the bicycle was too shiny. Rambir said that its handle does not even corrode. According to you, Handle of the bicycle is electroplated with which material?

(1) Chromium 💜

(2) Copper

 (3) Iron

(4) Zinc

74. Sound of women is shriller than sound of men because length of vocal cords in women is than that of males.

(1) Greater

(2) Equal

(3) Length of vocal cords has nothing to do with shrillness of sound

(4) Smaller💜

75. Eggs are formed in the

(1) Testis

(2)  Penis 

(3) Ovary 💜

(4) None of these

76. Kulveer told Raju that cells can only be seen with the help of Microscope and not with naked eye. Raju was not completely satisfied with his view. What example Raju gave to justify his view? 

(1) Nerve Cell

(2) Epithelial cell of cheek

(3) Amoeba

(4) Ostrich egg

77. What is the jelly like substance between the nucleus and the cell membrane called?

(1) Nuclear Sap

(2)  Cytoplasm 💜

(3) Protoplasm 

(4) None of These

78. What is Foetus ?

(1) Well developed embryo

(2) Female gamete 

(3) Zygote

(4) Male gamete

79. Pooja saw an element dipped in kerosene oil in the laboratory and asked her teacher about it. The teacher told that it is a metal. Which metal is stored under kerosene?

(1) Iron 

(2) Silver 

(3)Sodium 💜

(4) Copper

80. Hardeep saw that his brother Harjeet who is studying In fourth standard was observing carefully that mother was adding some curd in milk. Harjit was surprised that how a small quantity of curd could convert whole of milk into curd. Hardeep explained him that some bacteria were responsible for this change. Can you suggest the name of such bacterias?

  • (1) Rhizobium
  • (2) Lactobacillus 💜
  • (3) Yeast
  • (4)  Micobacterium

81. Name the process shown in the following diagram.

  • (1) Pollination 
  • (2) Fertilization ✅
  • (3) Cloning (
  • 4) Metamorphism 

82. What happens when opposite charged clouds make contact? 

  • (1) Rain
  • (2) Electroscope
  • (3) Electric Emission
  • 4) Electrolysis

83. In which one of the following devices, concept of multiple reflection is applicable?

  • (1) Microscope 
  • (2) Telescope 
  • (3) Kaleidoscope💜
  • 4) All of the above

84. Which of the following statement is correct regarding cone cells and rod cells present in the retina of human eye?

(1) Cone cells are sensitive to dim light and rod cells are sensitive to bright light.

(2) Cone cells and rod cells both are sensitive to (3) Cone cells and rod cells both are sensitive to bright light. dim light.

4) Cone cells are sensitive to bright light and rod cells are sensitive to dim light. 💛

85. The teacher showed the slide of Epithelial cell of Cheek to Hardeep and I asked him to label 'A'. What is the name of 'A'. 

  • (1) Cell membrane 
  • 2)  Nucleus 
  • (3) Cytoplasm
  • 4) Cell Wall

86. The teacher told the students in the class that some organisms give birth to young ones while some lay eggs. Which of the following animals do not lay eggs? 

  • (1) Lizard
  • (2) Hen Buffalo
  • (3) Sparrow
  • (4) Buffalo 💜

87. While starting T.V., Ajay noticed that hairs from his arm get attracted towards the TV screen, producing a low crackling sound. Why this happened?

  • (1) Due to production of current from screen 
  • (2) Due to Hairs 
  • (3) Due to Contact Forces 
  • (4) Due to non-contact electrostatic attractions 💛

88. Name the instrument by which speed of air measures?

  • 1. Barometer
  • (2) Sphygnometer
  • (3) Anemometer 💜
  • (4) Aerometer

89. Kulwinder inserted open ends of two copper wire into the Potato and attach other ends to the battery. He noticed a green-blue spot at the point of insertion around one end of wire while there was no spot seen where second wire was inserted. Can you guess the terminal of the battery, to which the wire with green-blue spot is connected? 

  • 1) Positive terminal✅
  • 2) Negative terminal
  • 3) Positive or Negative terminal 
  • 4) Wire is not attached to any terminal

90.  What will be the angle x in the following diagram?

1) 50degree         2) 40 degree

3) 30 degree  💜 4) 60 degree 

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