PUNJAB GOVT. GAZ., AUGUST 17, 2018 1795 (SRVN 26, 1940 SAKA) PART III


The 8 August, 2018 

No. G.S.R. 59/Const. Art. 309/2018.–In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India and all other powers enabling him in this behalf, the Governor of Punjab is pleased to make the following rules regulating the recruitment and conditions of service of the persons appointed to the Punjab Educational Service (School and Inspection) Group ‘B’ Services , namely:- RULES
 1. Short title, commencement and application.- 
(1) These rules may be called the Punjab Educational Service (School and Inspection) Group ‘B’ Service Rules, 2018.
 (2) They shall come into force on and with effect from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 
(3) They shall apply to the posts specified in Appendix ‘A’.

 2. Definition.– (i) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,- 
(a) ‘Appendix’ means an Appendix appended to these rules; 
(b) ‘Border Area Cadre' means a separate Cadre created for the members of service of the Punjab Educational Service (School and Inspection Border Area Cadre) Group 'B' Service to be posted in Districts of Amritsar, Gurdaspur, Ferozepur, Fazilka, Tarantaran and Pathankot; 
(c) Director means the Director of Public Instructions (Secondary Education), Punjab; (d) ‘Government’ means the Government of the State of Punjab in the Department of School Education; and 
(e) ‘Service’ means Punjab Educational Service (School and Inspection) Group 'B' Service. 

(2) The words and expressions used, but not defined in these rules, shall have the same meaning as assigned to them in the Punjab Civil Services( General and Common Conditions of Service) Rules, 1994. 

 2. Number and character of posts.- The Service shall comprise the posts specified in Appendix 'A’: Provided that nothing in these rules shall affect the inherent power of the Government to add to or reduce the number of posts or to create new posts with different designations and scales of pay whether permanently or temporarily. 

 4. Appointing Authority .- Appointment to the Service shall be made by the Government.

 5. Pay of members of the Service .– The members of the Service shall be entitled to such scales of pay as may be authorized by the Department of Finance from time to time. The scales of pay, at present, in force in respect of the members of the Service, are given in Appendix ‘A’. 

 6. Method of appointment, qualifications and experience.- 
(1) All Appointments to the Service shall be made in the manner as specified in Appendix ‘B’: Provided that if no suitable candidate is available for appointment to the Service by promotion or by direct appointment, the appointment to the Service shall be made by transfer of a person holding an analogous post under the State Government or Government of India.

 (2) No person shall be appointed to the post in the Service, unless he possesses the qualifications and experience as specified against that post in Appendix ‘B’. 
 (3) Appointment to the Service by promotion shall be made on seniority- cum-merit basis, and no person shall have any right to claim promotion on the basis of seniority alone. 

 7. Departmental examination.- A person appointed to the service either by way of direct recruitment or otherwise shall have to pass the Departmental Test and proficiency in computer skills within a period of two years from the date of his initial appointment in accordance with the syllabi and guidelines framed by the Government from time to time and to be conducted by the Director or any other authority empowered by the Government in this behalf in addition to fulfillment of the requisite qualifications and experience specified in Appendix ‘B’. However, till a member of service passes the Departmental test, he shall not be entitled to his annual increments. 

 8. Teachers’ Eligibility Test.-Wherever applicable in direct recruitment as per guidelines framed by the National Council of Teachers Education, Government of India, Teachers’ Eligibility Test shall also be one of the essential qualifications for the recruitment in the Service.

 9. Discipline, punishment and appeal.- (1) In the matters of discipline, punishment and appeal, the members of the Service shall be governed by the Punjab Civil Services (Punishment and Appeal) Rules, 1970, as amended from time to time. (2) The authority empowered to impose penalties as specified in rule 5 of the Punjab Civil Services (Punishment and Appeal) Rules, 1970, in respect of the members of the Service, shall be the Government. 

 10. Application of the Punjab Civil Services (General and Common Conditions of Service) Rules, 1994.-  (1) In respect of the matters, which are not specifically provided in these rules, the members of the Service shall be governed by the provisions of the Punjab Civil Services (General and Common Conditions of Service) Rules, 1994, as amended from time to time. (2) The Punjab Civil Services (General and Common Conditions of Service) Rules, 1994, at present in force, are contained in Appendix 'C' 

 11. Assigning of additional duties/responsibilities.-  Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the Government or any other authority empowered in this behalf may assign the members of service any kind of special duties /responsibilities to be specified from time to time in addition to normal duties in furtherance to enhance the quality of education. 

 12. Repeal and saving.- The Punjab State Education Class III(School Cadre) Service Rules, 1978, in so far as they are applicable to the members of the Service, are hereby repealed: Provided that any order issued or any action taken under the rules so repealed, shall be deemed to have been issued or taken under the corresponding provisions of these rules 
13. Interpretation.- If any question arises as to the interpretation of these
rules, the Government in consultation with the Department of Personnel
shall decide the same. 


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