PESRC RECRUITMENT 2023: ਪੰਜਾਬ ਰਿਮੋਟ ਸੈਂਸਿਗ ਕੇਂਦਰ ਵਿਖੇ ਵੱਖ ਵੱਖ ਅਸਾਮੀਆਂ ਤੇ ਭਰਤੀ


PAU Campus, Ludhiana 141004

 (Advertisement No. 2/2023 dated 15.01.2023)

Applications are invited from Indian young dynamic eligible candidate who has passion for innovation and work with contemporary technologies such as application of Space and Geospatial and development of ICT tools for various sponsored projects. Selection by short listing of candidates and through Written/Practical and Skill Test purely on contractual basis. The selected candidates shall be posted at any locations (Ludhiana, Chandigarh, SAS Nagar (Mohali) and anywhere in Punjab) as per the requirements. The shortlisted candidate will be informed by email/mobile as given in the applications before test/selection date. 


Junior Research Fellow Salary: Rs 25,000/- (consolidated) + HRA 

Total posts : Five (05) 

Essential Qualifications:

Master's degree in Remote Sensing / GIS / Geoinformatics OR Master's degree in relevant subject with PG Diploma in RS & GIS from recognized and reputed institution/university


Project Fellow Monthly Salary: Rs 12,000 consolidated+HRA 

Total posts : Five (05) 

Essential qualification:

Bachelor Degree in Science/Geography /Engineering from reputed and UGC/AICTE recognized institutions.

Mobile App Developer GIS (Mobile Application Developer) Monthly salary of Rs.40,000/- consolidated + HRA   

Total posts: 01

Essential Qualifications:Regular B.E. / B.Tech (IT/CS/EC)/ M.Sc. (IT/CS/EC/ Remote Sensing/ GIS/ Geo-Informatics/Geospatial Technologies / Spatial Technology/ related IT or Geospatial domains from reputed and UGC/AICTE recognized institutions.

Junior Research Fellow (MobileApplication)

Monthly Salary: Rs 25,000 consolidated +HRA 

Total posts: 2

Essential Educational Qualification:

First class B.E./B.Tech. in Information Technology/ Computer Science/Electronics and Communication Engineering.

Junior Research Fellow (JRF) for ISRO Chandrayaan-2 Project

Essential Qualification

1. PG Degree M.Sc/M.Tech in Remote Sensing and GIS/ Geomatics/Geoinformatics/ Physics/ Geology/Geophysics  

How to apply:

Mode of submission of applications: By Post and official Email ID:

Download application form click here  

Official notification download here 

Selection Process:

1. The qualification prescribed is the minimum requirement and possession of the same doesn't automatically make the candidates eligible to be called for interview. A duly constituted Screening Committee shall screen the applications received for the posts based on the given eligibility criteria and may fix criteria as it may consider necessary for short listing the candidates for interview.

2. The percentage of marks obtained by the candidate would be calculated based on the practice as followed by the respective University/Institution. In case of grades/CGPA, the conversion to percentage of marks would be based on the procedure as certified by the respective University/ Institution. If any University/Institution confirms that there is no scheme for converting CGPA into equivalent marks, the equivalence would be established by dividing the candidate's CGPA by the maximum CGPA and multiplying the result with 100.

3. The screened-in/shortlisted candidates will be called for interview before the Selection Committee. Communication shall be sent only to the screened-in/shortlisted candidates. PRSC will not entertain any correspondence on the issue of short-listing of candidates. The information for the interview to the short-listed candidates will be sent only by e-mail. 

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