(ENGLISH MEDIUM, CBSE AFFILIATED) website: apsbathinda.org

1. Army Public School, Bathinda requires the following staff against existing/anticipated vacancies on Regular basis for the academic session 2023-24:

APS Bathinda :

PGT-Physical Education, English, Biology 
Basic Pay Rs. 33840-
TGT-English, Maths, Social Science, Science, Special Educator Counsellor
Basic Pay Rs 33360-
Basic Pay Rs 32400-

APS Sri Ganganagar

PGT-Physics, Chemistry, Maths

Basic Pay Rs 32430-

APS Faridkot

TGT-English, Social Science

Basic Pay Rs 35723/-

DA and HRA applicable as per school norms. 

Candidates already holding CSB Score Card and who have recently passed CSB written Exam with 50% marks only are eligible to apply.

 Applications forwarded through email will NOT be accepted.

For Eligibility Criteria and qualification required please refer to school website:www.apsbathinda.org (http://apsbathinda.org/recruitment{1}.html

4. The above mentioned posts are for regular appointment. The selection process will include interview followed by evaluation of teaching skills. 

 Application form and other details can be obtained between 0900 hrs to 1400 hrs from the school office of APS Bathin- da on all working days. 

Application forms may also be downloaded from school website: apsbathinda.org.

Application forms along with all testimonials/ certificates and a demand draft of Rs. 100/- in favour of "Principal APS Bathinda" are required to be submitted to school office or sent through Registered Post, on or before 03 Feb 2023. 

The application form along with a DD of Rs 100/- will be sent to the school in which the candidate is seeking appointment. Thereafter no application form will be accepted. No representation in this regard will be entertained. 

 Date & Time of interview will be intimated to only short listed candidates through mobile/telephonically/e-mail. Don't forget to mention your e-mail ID for further correspondence

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