Q1 Electric field at the center of charged circular loop is
- ∞
- 0
- Always 0
- None of these
- 0
Q2 Direction of electric field on the axis of a charged ring is along
- ⊥ to the axis
- along the axis
- 450 with axis
- the centre
Q3 .The net force acting on a dipole in a uniform electric field is
- In the direction of electric field
- Opposite to the direction of electric field
- Always zero
- In a direction ⊥ to electric field
- Always zero
Q4 The potential energy of a dipole is zero if angle made by the dipole moment with electric field is
- 450
- 900
- 1800
- 00
- 900
Q5 The dipole is said to be in stable equilibrium when the dipole moment is
- In the direction of the field
- Opposite to the direction of the field
- ⊥ to the direction of the field
- At 450 with the direction of the field
- In the direction of the field
Q6 The dipole is said to be in unstable equilibrium when the dipole moment is
- In the direction of the field
- Opposite to the direction of the field
- ⊥ to the direction of the field
- At450 with the direction of the field
- Opposite to the direction of the field
Q7 If a dipole is placed in a non uniform electric field then it will experience ?
- Torque as well as force
Q8 Torque has the units of
- Nm
- Cm
- Nm2
- Cm-1
- Nm
Q9 A system of two equal and opposite charges separated by a certain distance is called
- Electric field
- Electric dipole
- Electric dipole moment
- Electric flux
- Electric dipole
Q10 Dipole length is a ...
- Scalar quantity
- Vector quantity