Class monitors, nodal officers to ensure proper adherence of covid19 norms in govt schools

 Class monitors, nodal officers to ensure proper adherence of covid19 norms in govt schools 

A teacher as nodal officer and class monitors in the government schools have been assigned the responsibility to raise awareness regarding covid protocols and keep a watch that these are properly adhered to. 

Chandigarh 19 february: 

The department of school education, Punjab Government has recently issued instructions to raise awareness amongst students regarding covid-19 precautions and have issued guidelines to ensure if rules are being strictly followed. 

As all schools have been reopened after a long period, instructions were issued to appoint a teacher in each school as a nodal officer and a student in each class as a monitor to raise awareness about the precautions to be taken to prevent covid-19. 

In schools, the students sometimes ignore guidelines as indulge in actions like not wearing the mask properly, not keeping the required distance between each other, not washing the hands properly etc. Therefore, the nodal officer and class monitor will keep a tab on all such violations and would report the action immediately to the concerned authorities. 

The orders released by the Education Department, reads, “Keeping in view the situation of Covid-19, SOPs have been issued by the Punjab Government for the schools. Adherence to guidelines must be ensured. A teacher should be appointed as the nodal officer in the school to make students aware about the correct method or manner of wearing a mask. Similarly, one student in each class as a monitor must encourage the rest of the students to follow all the guidelines”.


These instructions would be applicable to all government, aided and private schools in the state of Punjab. 

Education Secretary Krishan Kumar said that the school heads will play an effective role in this awareness campaign and all the District Education Officers (Secondary and Elementary Education) should monitor the schools as well as the aided and private schools in their respective districts to ensure compliance of the instructions issued in SOPs.

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