Max Marks: 80     Time: 3 hrs

1 MARKS QUESTION (28 X 1 = 28)

1. How many significant figures does 0.005230 g/cm³ have? (a) 2  (b) 4  (c) 5  (d) 3

2. The time period of a pendulum on the moon is:

(a) Zero  (b) Infinity  (c) 2 seconds  (d) None of these

3. What is the dimensional formula of force? (a) ML²T⁻²  (b) MLT⁻²  (c) ML²T  (d) MLT⁻¹

4. How many micrometers are there in one meter? (a) 10⁻⁶  (b) 10⁶  (c) 10³  (d) None of these

5. What is the magnitude of a unit vector? (a) 1  (b) 0  (c) -1  (d) Undefined

6. How many joules are equivalent to 1 calorie? (a) 4.184  (b) 4.2  (c) 4.18  (d) None of these

7. What is the cross product of k x j? (a) i  (b) -i  (c) j  (d) -j

8. Acceleration of an object can be: (a) Positive  (b) Negative  (c) Zero  (d) All of these

9. What is the unit of Young's modulus? (a) Nm  (b) N/m  (c) N/m²  (d) No unit

10. How many joules are equivalent to 1 kWh?

(a) 3600  (b) 36,000  (c) 3.6 × 10⁶  (d) 3.6 × 10³

11. Convert a velocity of 90 Km/hr into m/s. (a) 25 m/s  (b) 20 m/s  (c) 30 m/s  (d) 15 m/s

12. The weight of a body on the moon is approximately: (a) 1/2 its weight on Earth  (b) 1/6 its weight on Earth  (c) Equal to its weight on Earth  (d) None of these

13. What is the dimensional formula of energy?

 (a) ML²T⁻²  (b) MLT⁻²  (c) ML⁻¹T⁻²  (d) None of these

14. What is the S.I unit of pressure? (a) Pascal  (b) Nm  (c) N/m  (d) Torr

15. What is the orbital period of a geostationary satellite?

(a) 24 hrs  (b) 12 hrs  (c) 36 hrs  (d) 48 hrs

16. What is the gravitational field strength of a planet where the weight of a 70 kg astronaut is 490 N? (a) 5 N/kg  (b) 7 N/kg  (c) 10 N/kg  (d) 9.8 N/kg

17. What is one atmosphere of pressure?

(a) 101325 Pa  (b) 100000 Pa  (c) 1.013 × 10⁵ Pa  (d) None of these

18. Represent the equation of an isothermal process in terms of P and V. (a) PV = constant  (b) P/V = constant  (c) PV² = constant  (d) None of these

19. The S.I unit of strain is: (a) No unit  (b) Pascal  (c) N/m²  (d) None of these

20. If the amplitude of a wave is doubled, its energy: (a) Remains same  (b) Doubles  (c) Becomes four times  (d) None of these

21. The number of degrees of freedom of a diatomic gas molecule is: (a) 5  (b) 6  (c) 7  (d) 3

22. What is the value of Boltzmann constant? (a) 1.38 × 10⁻²³ J/K  (b) 1.38 × 10²³ J/K  (c) 1.38 × 10⁻²² J/K  (d) None of these

23. The distance between two successive crests of a wave is called: (a) Wavelength  (b) Frequency  (c) Amplitude  (d) None of these

24. Sound waves are longitudinal waves. (a) True  (b) False

25. Force is a scalar quantity. (a) True  (b) False

26. The S.I unit of work is joule. (a) True  (b) False

27. Newton's second law is the fundamental law of motion. (a) True  (b) False

28. A vector can have a negative magnitude. (a) True  (b) False

2 Marks Question (2 x 7 = 14)

1. Distinguish between scalar and vector quantities. Or Define the term 'moment of force'.

2. What is impulse? Give one real-life example. Or Calculate the momentum of a 5 kg object moving at 10 m/s.

3. Define center of mass.

4. State and explain Pascal's law.

5. Define energy and give its units and dimension.

6. What are the conditions for a process to be reversible? Or A Carnot engine has an efficiency of 0.75 when operated between a sink at 300 K. Calculate the temperature of the source.

7. How do sonar systems work? Or State Boyle's law.

3 Marks Question

1. State and explain Newton's laws of motion. Why is the first law also called the law of inertia?

2. Define gravitational potential energy. Derive its expression for a mass m at a height h.

3. Derive the expression for the kinetic energy of an object.

4. What is a wave? Derive the relation between wave speed, frequency, and wavelength.

5. Explain why Cp is always greater than Cv for an ideal gas.

6. Define elasticity and explain the difference between stress and strain.

5 Marks Question

1. State and prove the work-energy theorem. OR Derive the equation for motion under uniform circular motion.

2. Discuss the elastic and inelastic collisions in detail. Provide examples. OR Derive the relation between escape velocity and orbital velocity of a satellite.


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