101. A child studying in Class IV exhibits difficulty in reading, recognizing patterns, telling time, measuring etc. This learning difficulty is named as:

  1. suffering from dyscalculia
  2. suffering from dyslexia
  3. suffering from dysgraphia
  4. suffering from attention deficit disorder

102. "Mathematics is the language in which God has written the universe" is the statement given by:

  1. Galileo
  2. Locke
  3. B. Russell
  4. Lindsay

103. The least value assigned to * so that the number 86325 * 6 is divisible by 11 is:

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 5

104. Identify the pattern and fill in the blank:

37 x 3 = 111

37 x 6 = 222

37 x 9 = 333

37 x ..... = 444

  1. 12
  2. 10
  3. 5
  4. 27

105. A cylindrical pencil sharpened at one edge is the combination of:

  1. A cone and a cylinder
  2. A hemisphere and a cylinder
  3. Two cylinders
  4. Frustum of a cone and a cylinder

106. Which of the following is true?

  1. Every integer is a rational number
  2. Every whole number is a natural number
  3. Every rational number is an integer
  4. Every real number is a rational number

107. If the areas of three adjacent faces of a cuboidal box are 120 cm², 72 cm² and 60 cm² respectively, then the volume of the box is:

  1. 720 cm³
  2. 864 cm³
  3. 7200 cm³
  4. (72)² cm³

108. Suppose that x + 1 and x + 2 are factors of the polynomial x³ + 3x² + 2αx + β, then α + β is:

  1. 0
  2. -1
  3. -2
  4. 1

109. Let AB||CD and EF is transversal:

Which of the following is **not** true?

  1. ∠2 = ∠3
  2. ∠1 + ∠2 = 180°
  3. ∠1 + ∠4 = 180°
  4. ∠2 + ∠4 = 180°

110. Given the measure of three sides of a triangle, find out which triangle can be formed:

  1. 6 cm, 4 cm, 5 cm
  2. 3 cm, 6 cm, 10 cm
  3. 3.5 cm, 6.5 cm, 11 cm
  4. 2.5 cm, 8.5 cm, 5.5 cm

111. The digit at unit's place in (2467)¹⁵³ × (341)⁷² is:

  1. 1
  2. 9
  3. 7
  4. 8

112. If one angle of a triangle is the sum of other two angles, then the triangle is:

  1. An isosceles triangle
  2. An obtuse triangle
  3. An equilateral triangle
  4. A right triangle

113. The given pie graph shows the games liked by various students of a class. Choose the correct option which shows the angles covered by various games:

  1. Cricket: 180°, Tennis: 60°, Badminton: 30°, Football: 30°
  2. Cricket: 90°, Tennis: 60°, Badminton: 120°, Football: 90°
  3. Cricket: 180°, Tennis: 60°, Badminton: 60°, Football: 60°
  4. Cricket: 180°, Tennis: 90°, Badminton: 60°, Football: 30°

114. According to NCF 2005, teaching and learning methods in Mathematics at primary level should focus on:

  • (A) explorations of various patterns in mathematics
  • (B) developing the skills of estimation and approximation among learners
  • (C) informal ways of learning like games, solving puzzles etc.
  • (D) rigorous problem solving

The correct option is:

  1. (B), (C) and (D)
  2. (A), (B) and (D)
  3. (A), (B) and (C)
  4. (B) and (D)

115. The angle made between the hour hand and the minute hand of a clock, when the time is 12:30 is:

  1. right angle
  2. acute angle
  3. obtuse angle
  4. straight angle

116. The product of two numbers is 9375. The quotient, obtained by dividing the larger one with the smaller one, is 15, then the sum of numbers is:

  1. 380
  2. 395
  3. 400
  4. 425

117. The average of five consecutive odd numbers is 61. The difference between the highest and lowest number is:

  1. 2
  2. 8
  3. 18
  4. 10

118. The least number which when doubled will be exactly divisible by 12, 18, 21 and 30 is:

  1. 1260
  2. 630
  3. 196
  4. 2520

119. On subtracting 23 hg 76 dg from 79 hg 85 dg, we get ......... hectograms.

  1. 5.6009
  2. 560.09
  3. 5600.9
  4. 56.009

120. If a ray stands on a line, then the sum of two adjacent angles is:

  1. 90°
  2. 30°
  3. 360°
  4. 180°

121. The Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) is headquartered in:

  1. Mumbai
  2. Nagpur
  3. New Delhi
  4. Lucknow

122. _____ of an ecosystem is defined as the rate at which radiant energy is converted into inorganic substances by photosynthesis or chemo-synthesis by the primary producers.

  1. Gross productivity
  2. Primary productivity
  3. Net productivity
  4. Proportional productivity

123. A teacher was explaining about different layers of atmosphere in her class. She started with the lower zone which is immediately above the surface of earth. The height of specified layer varies from 8 kilometers at the poles to about 18 kilometers near the equator from ground surface. That means Teacher is discussing about:

  1. Mesosphere
  2. Troposphere
  3. Stratosphere
  4. Exosphere

124. Plants which grow on land are called terrestrial plants. There are different types of terrestrial plants. The plants of plains can be best represented by following example:

  1. Mango
  2. Deodar
  3. Cactus
  4. Mangroves

125. The biotic succession on bare rock called Lithosere or Xerosere has the sequence of various stages as follows:

  1. Lichen stage → Moss stage → Annual grass stage → Perennial grass stage → Shrub stage → Climax community
  2. Moss stage → Lichen stage → Annual grass stage → Perennial grass stage → Shrub stage → Climax community
  3. Lichen stage → Moss stage → Perennial grass stage → Annual grass stage → Shrub stage → Climax community
  4. Moss stage → Lichen stage → Annual grass stage → Perennial grass stage → Shrub stage → Climax community

126. The objective of a scheme, launched by central government in 1975, was improvement in nutrition and health of children. The scheme was ICDS which stands for:

  1. Intelligent Child Development Scheme
  2. Integrated Child Development Scheme
  3. Integrated Child Development Services
  4. Imperative Child Development Services

127. Nuclear energy can be generated by:

  1. Nuclear fusion
  2. Nuclear fission
  3. Nuclear bonding
  4. Both (1) and (2)

128. Peroxyacylnitrate (PAN) and ozone (O3) are termed as:

  1. Primary Pollutants
  2. Secondary Pollutants
  3. Tertiary Pollutants
  4. Can be called as primary, secondary or tertiary depending on their formation in mesosphere, thermosphere or exosphere respectively

129. Which one of the following problems is not related to Dams?

  1. Water-logging
  2. Habitat destruction
  3. Rehabilitation
  4. Rain water harvesting

130. The roots are of two types like tap roots and fibrous roots. Which one of the following has fibrous roots?

  1. Neem
  2. Banana
  3. Beans
  4. None of the above

131. "Most of the natural resources are unlimited, provided if we use them judiciously. Their judicious use will not cause pollution 1 and save the resources. Hence, we need to develop a sense of judicious use, of such things, in ourselves which are obtained from natural resources."

This objective of environmental education is called as:

  1. Realization of social responsibilities
  2. Constructive thinking
  3. Sense of conservation of natural resources
  4. Educating ourselves and obtaining efficiency

132. Which one of the following does not fall in the category of Freshwater?

  1. Lentic or Lacustrine like lakes and ponds
  2. Lotic or riverine like rivers and streams
  3. Palustrine like wetlands
  4. Brackish water like estuaries

133. One of the following is not an example of Ex-situ conservation method. Identify it:

  1. Sacred plants homegardens
  2. Seed Banks
  3. Botanical Garden
  4. Biosphere Reserve

134. One day, when Anisha's mother was cooking food, Anisha asked her if she could help her. Her mother asked Anisha to wash rice in a bowl with water. She then told her to pour the used water for plants in their garden. The major reason for which Anisha's mother instructed Anisha was:

  1. Anisha's mother wanted to teach her the method of water conservation.
  2. Rice water is rich source of nutrients for plants in the garden.
  3. Anisha's mother wanted that Anisha should see and know about the plants in the garden.
  4. None of these

135. Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster occurred on 26th April, 1986 in:

  1. Ukraine
  2. Israel
  3. Netherland
  4. Japan

136. Choose the correct statement of the following:

  • (R) WHO: World Health Organization
  • (S) WWF: World Wildlife Federation
  • (T) FAO: Food Additives Organization
  • (U) UNDP: United Nations Development Policy
  1. Only R and S are correct.
  2. Only R is correct.
  3. Only T is correct.
  4. All R, S, T and U are correct.

137. Select the incorrect statement from the following:

  1. The dark coloured humus found in topmost layer of soil, makes the soil fertile.
  2. Afforestation protects the soil from erosion.
  3. Chemical fertilizers are less harmful than the organic manures.
  4. Overgrazing is one of the causes of soil erosion.

138. The sequence of population or organisms of an ecosystem through which the food and its contained energy passes, by eating or being eaten, with each member becoming the food of a later member of the sequence is termed as:

  1. Food Chain
  2. Food Web
  3. Parasitism
  4. Ecological Adaptation

139. The following food sources contain iron that is essential for formation of hemoglobin in human body:

  1. Pulses, nuts, beans and apples
  2. Milk, egg, fish and green vegetables
  3. Sea food
  4. Orange, Tomato, mango and papaya

140. The solid waste disposal became a global issue over past decades. Choose the correct statement in regard to this:

  1. Highly combustible trash like plastics can be incinerated.
  2. All types of hospital wastes can be dumped in landfills.
  3. City sewage normally contains inorganic waste and hence can be disposed by landfilling.
  4. Dumping of solid waste into ocean is the best solution of disposal.

141. The major limitation of "Biomass Energy" is the production of different types of pollutants to the air because open burning produces high levels of:

  • (X) Nitrogen oxides
  • (Y) Carbon monoxide
  • (Z) Particulates
  1. X only
  2. Y only
  3. Y and Z only
  4. X, Y and Z

142. Which one of the following is not the physical component of environment?

  1. Land
  2. Air
  3. Water
  4. Plant

143. The 3 R's for solid management are:

  1. Reduce, Reform and Recycle
  2. Reform, Redesign and Recycle
  3. Reuse, Reproduce and Recycle
  4. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

144. Diseases can be spread on account of improper hygiene, vectors as well as environmental pollution and exhibit a wide variety of symptoms. Which one of the following is not correctly matched?

  1. Cholera: an intestinal infection
  2. Jaundice: an infection of liver
  3. Diarrhea: Loose motion
  4. Plague: a disease spread by Cat flea that causes stomach infection

145. The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act was framed in this year:

  1. 1974
  2. 1972
  3. 1981
  4. 1983

146. The farmers first prepare their fields to sow the seeds. For this, they dig the soil, loosen it and make it soft. This process is called:

  1. Cultivation
  2. Ploughing
  3. Grooving
  4. Mineralization

147. Birds do not have teeth. They use their beaks to tear, bite, chisel or crush the food. There are different types of beaks. Crushing Beak is present in:

  1. Pigeon
  2. Eagle
  3. Woodpecker
  4. Humming birds

148. A sea breeze blows when the air above land is ______ and air above sea is ______

  1. Colder, Warmer
  2. Warmer, Lighter
  3. Heavier, Colder
  4. Warmer, Colder

149. Deforestation leads to erosion and erosion leads to loss of life or:

  1. Pedogenesis
  2. Weathering
  3. Desertification
  4. Floods and Earthquakes

150. Choose the correct statement:

  1. The earth is called 'green' planet because it is the only planet that appears green upon visualization from space due to thick forests.
  2. The earth is called 'black' planet due to increasing air pollution.
  3. The earth is called 'blue' planet because three-fourth of its surface is covered with water.
  4. All of the above are true

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