Structure of Question Paper

Class: XII

Subject: General English

Time: 3hrs      Theory: 80 marks      INA: 20 marks      Total: 100 marks

Section A: Reading Comprehension (16 Marks)

  • This section will have two passages.
  • One unseen passage with a variety of Objective Type Questions, including Multiple Choice questions and Short Answer Questions to test comprehension, interpretation, and inference. The length of this passage will be between 200 - 250 words.
    • 2 Multiple Choice type questions and 8 one-line questions (total 10 marks) shall be asked from this passage. 10x1=10 marks
  • Unseen passage for Comprehension (passage of 150-200 words) followed by 2 M.C.Qs, 4 single line comprehension questions, one fill in the blank, and one match the words question.
    • 6x1=6 marks

Section B: Writing Skills, Grammar & Translation (27 Marks)

  • Precis writing (passage of about 150 words): 4 marks
  • Letter writing (only official/business/to the Editor/Applications) (one out of two): 6 marks
  • Explaining Newspaper Headlines (15-20 words) / E-mail writing: 3 marks
  • Translation from English to Punjabi/Hindi (2 sentences out of 3): 2 marks
  • Translation from Punjabi/Hindi to English (2 sentences out of 3): 2 marks
  • Grammar items:
    • Determiners
    • Use of Non-finites (Infinitives, Gerunds, Participles)
    • Transformation of Sentences (2 out of 3)
    • Voice (2 out of 3)
    • Narration (1 out of 2) = 10 marks

Section C: Literature Textbooks (37 Marks)

  • 10 Objective type questions carrying one mark each.
    • Lessons meant for intensive study: 5×1=5 marks
    • Lessons meant for extensive study: 5×1=5 marks
  • Comprehension question on a given stanza from poetry (4 out of 5 questions including a question on name of the poet/poem/ Rhyme scheme / Simile / Metaphor / Personification/ Alliteration/ Imagery etc). (1 out of 2 given stanzas to be attempted): 4 marks
  • Central idea of the poem (1 out of 2): 3 marks
  • Three (out of five) short answer questions of about 20 to 30 words from intensive study: 3×2=6 marks
  • Two (out of three) short answer questions of about 20 to 30 words from extensive study: 2×2=4 marks
  • Long answer type (100 to 120 words) on theme, incident, content, character, etc. from intensive study (with internal choice): 5 marks
  • Long answer type (100 to 120 words) question from extensive study on Character/incident/theme etc. (with internal choice): 5 marks

Prescribed Books:

  • A Rainbow of English XII
  • English Grammar and Composition for XI and XII

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