Paper Biology  Class-10+2   M.M. 70  Time: 3 hrs.


  • (1) Question paper has four parts A,B,C,D with total 17 questions. 
  • (2) Section (A) has question number 1 having 28 parts of 1 marks each. 15 question are MCQ type, 5 fill in the blanks, and 5 are True/False and 3 questions from comprehension passage. 
  • (3) Section-(B) has question number 2 to 11 total 10 short answer type questions of 2 marks each. Question 3, 4, 9, 11 have internal choice.
  • (4) Section (C) has question number 12 to 15 total 4 questions of 3 marks each. Question 14 to 15 have internal choice.
  • (5) Section (D) has question 16 and 17 total 2 questions of 5 marks each. Both questions have 100% internal choice.

Section - (A)

1. Each question carries one work. Multiple Choice Questions.

(1) The process of embryo formation without fertilisation is known as :-

(a) Aprospory 
(b) Apogamy 
(c) Parthenocarpy
(d) Polyembryong

(2) Double fertilization is fusion of 

(a)  Two eggs 
(b)Two eggs and polar nuclei 
(c) One male gamete with egg and other with synergid
(d)  One male gamete with egg and other with secondary nucleus.

(3) Edible part in mango is :-

 (a) Endocarp 
(b) Receptacle 
(c) Epicarp
(d) Mesocarp

(4) Pollination by air is called:-

(a) Aerospory 
(b) Entomophily
(c) Enemophily
(d) Ornithophily

(5) Birth hormone in human female is :-

(a) Estrogen 
(b) Progesterone
(c) Oxytocin 
(d) Luteinizing hormone

(6) Change of spermatid into sperm is known as:-

(a) Spermiogenesis  
(b) Microsporogenesis 
(c) Mega sporogenesis  
 (d) Gamete formation

(7) Site of fertilization in mammals- 

(a) Cervix
(b) Uterus 
(c) Vagina
(d) Fallopian tube

(8) Oral contraceptives are prescribed in females to check :-

(a) Ovulution 
(b) Fertilization 
(c) Implantation  
(d) Entry of sperms in Vagina

(9) Growth curve is normally:

(a) J-shaped 
(b) V-shapd 
(c) S-shaped 
(d) C-shaped

(10) A colour blind male marries a normal female. What percentage of male children of this couple will be colour blind?

(a) 0% 
(b) 25%
(c) 50%
(d) 75%

(11) Haemophilia is a :-

(a) Y-linked disorder
(b) X-linked disorder
(c) Autosomal sex disorder
(d) deficiency disorder

(12) Genetic disorder due to trisomy  of 21 in human is:- 

(a) Down's syndrome
(b) Klinefelter's syndrome
(c) Turner's syndrome
(d) Colour blindness

(13) Which group is universal donor 

(a) AB
(b) A
(c) B
(d) o

(14) A typical nudeosome contains:-

(a) 100 bp of DNA helix:
(b) 200 pb of DNA helix
(c) 300 bp of DNA helix
(d) 400 pb of DNA helix

(15) In E-coli the Lac operon get switched  on when :_ 

(a) Lactose is present and it binds to repressor on when
(b) Repressor binds to operator 
(c) RNA polymerase binds to operator
(d) Lactose is absent

Fill in the blanks :- 

(16) A sequence of throe nitrogen bases that code for an amino acid is a -------
(17) Extra nuclear genes are usually present in------- and a----
(18) Vesectomy is the surgical cutting of -------- 
(19) Ovulation is induced by a hormone termed as----
(20) Isect pollinated flowers are called---------

True or False:

(21) Within each ovule, a haploid embryo sac usually contains eight nuclei 
(22) Hyaluronidase and acrosin released by sperm during fertilization. 
(23) AIDS spread due to infected blood, needles and syringes.
(24) Human blood groups are determined by multiplic genes.
         (25) DNA polymerase can   polymerise the nucleotides in '3→5' direction.

Comprehension passage

Females have a pair of ovaries located in the abdomen. Ovary is the primary sex organ which produce on ovum during each menstrual cycle. In addition, ovary also produces two steroid hormones called estrogen and progesterone. Ovary is composed of ovarian follicles and stromal tissues. The estrogen is synthesised and secreted mainly by growing ovarian follicles. After ovulation, the ruptured follicle is converted to structure called corpus luteum, which secretes mainly progesterone..

(26) Estrogen is secreted by: 

(a) Ovarian follicles 
(b) Corpus luteum
(c) Intestitial cells 
(d) Mammary gland

(27) Progesterone secreted by:

(a) Corpus luteum 
(b) Secondary follicle 
(c) Follicles
(d) Stromal tissues

(28) Which hormone supports pregnancy-

(a) Progesterone 
(b) Estrogen Section
(c) Both a and b
(d) None of these 

Section (B)

Each question carries 2 marks.

2. What is triple fusion?
3. Draw a labelled diagram showing structure of LS. of Maize grain. OR
Draw a well-labelled diagram of LS. of orthotropous ovule
4. Define chalazogamy and ornithophily. OR
What is menarch? During which period does menopause generally occur in human female. 
5. Define placenta and give its significance in human female.
6 What is corpus luteum? Name a hormone secreted by it. 
7. Write any two difference between morula and blastrula.
8. Expand the terms ZIFT and IVF. Define amniocentesis. Why it is banned in our country.
What are leydig cells? Write down their functions. 
10. Describe two essential roles of ribosomes during translation.
11. Define nuclesome?
Define Okazaki fragments?

Section - (C) 

Each question carries 3 marks.

12. (a) Differentiate between template stand and coding stand.
(b) Name the enzyme that help fragments to join together. 
13. What is human genome project? Why this project is called mega project.
14. (a) What are multiple alleles? Give one example.
(b) What is co-dominance?
Write four essential requirements of genetic material? 
15. Write four salient features of genetic code.
A double standed DNA molecule has 20% of cytosine. Using Chargaff's law calculate the percentage of adenine is this DNA molecule?

Section - (D)

Each question carries 5 marks. 

16. What is oogenesis? When does oogenesis begin in female? Describe briefly the process of oogenesis with helpof suitable diagram.
Define menopause. Explain briefly the four phases of menstrual cycle of human female. 
17. Draw well labelled diagram of T.S. of anther. 
Explain the development of female gametophyte in angiosperms. Illustrate the answer with suitable diagram.

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