Class-XII Session: 2024-25 Accountancy (Commerce Group & Humanities Group) Structure of Question Paper


Time: 3 Hrs.


Session: 2024-25

Accountancy (Commerce Group & Humanities Group)

Structure of Question Paper (Theory)

  1. The question paper will cover the entire syllabus.
  2. There are 3 sections in the question paper:
    • Section A: Compulsory for all students.
    • Section B and Section C: Students may choose only one section from these.
  3. 20 Questions will be set in the question paper.
  4. All units of the syllabus should be given adequate representation in the question paper.
  5. There is no word, line, or page limit for numerical questions.
  6. The use of a non-programmable simple calculator is allowed.


  1. Question No. 1 consists of 12 sub-parts (i to xii) carrying 1 mark each. These may include multiple choice, one-word, or fill-in-the-blank questions. Answers should be given in 1-15 words.
  2. Questions No. 2 to 10 will carry 2 marks each. (4 theoretical and 5 numerical). Answers should be given in 2-5 lines.
  3. Question No. 11 consists of 5 sub-parts (i to v), out of which 4 should be attempted. Each carries 4 marks. Answers should be given in 10-15 lines.

Section B and C

  1. Question No. 12 consists of 8 sub-parts (i to viii) carrying 1 mark each. Answers should be given in 1-15 words.
  2. Questions No. 13 to 19 will carry 2 marks each. (3 theoretical and 4 numerical). Answers should be given in 2-5 lines.
  3. Question No. 20 consists of 4 sub-parts (i to iv), out of which 3 should be attempted. Each carries 4 marks. Answers should be given in 10-15 lines.

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