PSEB CLASS 10TH ENGLISH Poem-1,2,3 Question and Answer

PSEB CLASS 10TH ENGLISH Poem-1 Character of a Happy Man Question and Answer 


1. A happy man obeys the rules of ____.

Ans. Goodness.

2. A happy man is afraid of death. (T/F)

Ans. False.

3. Name the poet of the poem.

Ans. Sir Henry Wotton.

4. A happy man envies ____.

Ans. None.


1. Explain the lines:

   Whose armour is his honest thought

   And simple truth his utmost skill

   Ans. One should have honest thoughts, if he wants to become happy. His honest thoughts are his best defence. His truthfulness and simplicity are his best skills.

2. What does the poet want to say in this poem? OR Write a note on the central idea/main idea/summary/central thought/theme of the poem. OR How does a man become really happy?

   Ans. The poem tries to tell the secret of a truly happy life. We should be honest in our thoughts. We should jealous none. We should be content (satisfied) with whatever we have. We should not follow our desires; we should follow goodness.

3. How does ‘a religious book or a friend’ give happiness?

   Ans. A religious book is like a friend and vice versa. Both keep us on the right track. They stand by us in loneliness. They morally support us. They give us pure happiness.

PSEB CLASS 10TH Poem 2 Death the Leveller Question and answers 


1. A happy man envies ____.

Ans. None.

2. The glories of blood and state are just shadows. (T/F)

Ans. True.

3. Ultimate fate of all human beings is ____.

Ans. Death.

4. What lives after death?

Ans. Good deeds.

5. Name the poet of the poem.

Ans. James Shirley.


1. Explain the lines: 

   “Only the actions of the just,

   Smell sweet and blossom in their dust”

   Ans. Death comes to all. It treats everyone equally. It reduces everyone to dust. So, it is useless to boast of our power or wealth. Death doesn’t forgive the mighty or wealthy. Only our good deeds will be rewarded after death. Therefore, we should remain just in act.

2. What does the expression ‘scythe and spade’ stand for?

   Ans. It stands for the poor people, the workers, the peasants and labourers. Death makes them equal with the kings. In other words, death doesn’t spare even the kings.

3. What is the summary/central idea/thought/theme/lesson of the poem?

   Ans. Death comes to all. It treats everyone equally. It reduces everyone to dust. So, it is useless to boast of our power or wealth. Death doesn’t forgive the mighty or wealthy. Only our good deeds will be rewarded after death. Therefore, we should remain just in act.

4. Do the conquerors tame death or the dead?

   Ans. They can tame only the dead. They have no power against death. In opposite, death empowers them and reduces them to the dust.

PSEB CLASS 10TH Poem 3 "A Ballad of Sir Pertab Singh" QUESTION AND ANSWER 


1. Sir Pertab Singh lived in ____ House.

Ans. Rose-red.

2. Sir Pertab Singh’s friend was ____ soldier.

Ans. An English.

3. Name the poet of the poem.

Ans. Sir Henry Newbolt.

4. According to the priest, Pertab Singh lost his caste forever. (T/F)

Ans. True.


1. What is the central idea of the poem?

   Ans. The poem exposes the folly of the Hindu caste system. All are equal. No one has any high or low caste. Such a caste system divides us. We all have only one true caste- Humanity.

2. Write a summary of the poem in your own words.

   Ans. Pertab Singh, the king of Jodhpore, had an English friend who died suddenly. There were only three Englishmen to carry his bier. Pertab Singh himself carried the bier. He did not even care the warning of priests that by doing so he would lose his caste.

3. Who was Sir Pertab Singh?

   Ans. He was the king of Jodhpore. He was a true friend. He did not believe in the caste system. He believed that the caste of a soldier was the only true caste.

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