PSEB CLASS 10TH ENGLISH Literature Book Chapter 1 and 2 questions and answers

PSEB CLASS 10TH ENGLISH Literature Book Ch. 1. "Bed Number - 29" 


1. Naeem was in the hospital when the author regained his eyesight. (T/F)

Ans. False.

2. Who did the author meet in the hospital ward?

Ans. Naeem.

3. The author regained his eyesight after ____.

Ans. Third operation.

4. The author was a ____ before he lost his eyesight.

Ans. Painter.

5. The author knew that Naeem was also blind. (T/F)

Ans. False.

6. Naeem urged the author to re-start ____.

Ans. Painting.


1. How did the author lose his eyesight?

   Ans. He was hit by a car and lost his eyesight.

2. What did the author do before he lost his eyesight?

   Ans. He was a painter.

3. When did the author regain his confidence and how?

   Ans. The author regained his confidence when Naeem praised his paintings.

4. What happened when the author’s second operation failed? Who consoled him then?

   Ans. The author got upset. Naeem consoled him.

5. How did the author get the money to get operated the third time? Who helped him?

   Ans. He got the money by selling his paintings. Naeem helped him and bought his paintings.

6. Where was Naeem when the author regained his eyesight?

   Ans. Naeem had left the hospital.

7. Why could Naeem not get his treatment done?

   Ans. Because he had spent all his money in buying the paintings of the author.

8. How could Naeem describe different seasons in detail?

   Ans. Naeem was a painter and he had painted four seasons.

PSEB CLASS 10TH LITERATURE BOOK Ch. 2. "Half a Rupee Worth Questions and answers 


1. Subbiah was a rice merchant. (T/F)

Ans. True.

2. Subbiah had ____ children.

Ans. Five.

3. Where did Subbiah’s wife take the man?

Ans. To the godown.

4. Subbiah died in a road accident. (T/F)

Ans. False.

5. Subbiah’s profit ____ during the war.

Ans. Increased.

6. Subbiah was buried under the bags and died. (T/F)

Ans. True.


1. How did Subbiah manage to get rice during the drought?

   Ans. He would collect maximum amount of rice from countryside.

2. What is the meaning of the statement: ‘Rice was in his blood’?

   Ans. Subbiah knew all about rice.

3. How did Subbiah’s profits increase during the war? Did he follow the rules laid down by the government? How did he tackle the officers?

   Ans. Subbiah sold his rice at very high rate. He followed the rules in papers only.

4. Besides selling rice, what else did Subbiah do to earn more?

   Ans. He lent money.

5. Who came to buy rice one evening when Subbiah was about to go home? Did he give rice to him? What did he say?

   Ans. A person came. Subbiah refused to sell him rice. He said that he had some other business.

6. How much rice did Subbiah agree to sell the man and for how much?

   Ans. Half a seer of rice for half a rupee.

7. Where did Subbiah go to get the rice?

   Ans. His godown.

8. Did the man wait for Subbiah for long?

   Ans. Yes, he waited.

9. How did Subbiah die?

   Ans. Rice bags fell on him.


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