Paper Physics  Class - 10+2  M.M. 70 Time: 3 hrs.


  • (1) All questions are compulsory
  • (2) Q. No. 1 has 28 parts, each part carries 1 mark. 
  • (3) Q. No. 2 to Q. No. 8 (Total 7 questions) carry 2 marks each.
  • (4) Q. No. 9 to Q. No. 14 (Total 6 quetions) carry 3 marks each.
  • (5) Q. No. 15 to Q. No. 16 (Total 6 questions) carry 5 marks each.

1. M.C.Q/True-False type. 

(1) A dielectric is basically a 

  • (a) Semi conductor 
  • (b) Superconductor 
  • (c) Insulator 
  • (d) Conductor 

(2) Sensitivity of a potentiometer can be increased by 

  • (a) Increasing length of potentiometer wire
  • (b) Decreasing length of potentiometer wire
  • (c) Increasing emf of cell 
  •  (d) Increasing potential gradient

(3) If distance between two positive charges of a system is increased then potential energy of system.

  • (a) Increases 
  • (b) Decreases  
  • (c) Remains constant 
  • (d) None of these

(4) A magnetic needle placed in a non-uniform magnetic field experiences.

  • (a) Torque but not a force
  • (b) Force but not a torque Force and torque both
  • (c) Neither force nor troque
  • (d) Force and torque both

(5) Electronmagnets are made of soft iron because it has 

  • (a) High retentivity, High coercivity
  • (b) High Coervcivity, low retentivity
  • (c) High retentivity, low coercivity
  • (d) low retntivity, low coercivity

(6) 1 Faraday is equal to 

  • (a) 9 x 10° C 
  • (b) 8.854 x 10⁻¹² C 
  • (c) 96500 C 
  • (d) 95600 C

(7) Capacitance of a conductor does not depend upon 

  • (a) Shape 
  • (b) Size 
  • (c) Medium in which it is placed 
  • d) Material of conductor

(8) Which of the following is not true at the time of resonance is LCR series circuit. 

  • (a) Impedance is minimum 
  • (b) Current is maximum 
  • (c) Phase diff. between emf and current is 90° 
  • (d) Emf and current are in same phase.

(9) Power factor for a.c circuit containing only a pure resistor is 

  • (a) 1 
  • (b) 0 
  • (c) 2 
  • d) 10

(10) If distance between two point charges is doubled, force between them becomes

  • (a) 2-times 
  • (b) 4-times 
  • (c) ½ times 
  • (d) ¼ times

 (11) Air between two plates of a capacitor is replaced by a dielectric, its capacitance will

  • (a) Increase 
  • (b) Decrease 
  • (c) Remains constant 
  • d) None of these

(12) An electric dipole is placed in a uniform electric field. Which of the following orientation of dipole corresponds  to state of stable equilibrium. 

  • (a) θ=0° 
  • (b) θ=90° 
  • (c) θ = 180°  
  • d) θ =60°

(13) Electromagnetic induction is converse of which of the following phenomenon.

  • (a)Heating phenomenon 
  • (b) Chemical effect of electric current  
  • (c) Magnetic effect of electric current  
  • (d) Self Induction 

(14) Induction furances works on the principle of

  • (a) Mutual induction 
  • (b) Self induction 
  • (c) Eddy currents 
  • (d) Magnetic effect of electric current.

15) Dielectric constant for copper is

  • (a) Zero
  • (b) One
  • (c) Infinity
  • (d) hundered 

(16) A solid and a hollow sphere of same diameter are charged to same potential, which has more charge.

  • (a) Sold sphere 
  • (b) Hollow sphere 
  • (c) Both have euqal charge
  • (d) Only hollow sphere has charge 

(17) What is S.I unit of 1/4𝝅Ɛ₀ 

  • (a) Nm²C² 
  • (b) C²N⁻¹m² 
  • (c)  Nm²C⁻² 
  • (d) Nm⁻¹C⁻¹

(18) Angle between electric field (E) and electric dipole moment (P) of an electric dipole at its equitorial line is

  • (a) 0°
  • (b) 45°
  • (c) 90°
  • (d) 180°

19) Kirchhoff's second law is based upon principle of conservation  

  • (a)Mass 
  • (b) Charge 
  • (c) Energy 
  • (d) None of these 

20) if length of a wire is doubled by stretching Double  its conductance will become (d)

  • (a) One-Fourth
  • (b) Four-time
  • (c) Half  
  • (d) Double 

21) Which of the following has  negative temperature coefficient of resistance.

  • (a) Ge 
  • (b) Fe 
  • (c) Cu 
  • (d) Al

22) Resistance of an ideal voltmeter is  

  • (a) Zero 
  • (b) 100 Ohm 
  • (c) Infinte  
  • (d) 1 Ohm  

(23) A galvanometer can be converted into a voltmeter by connecting a 

  • (a) High resistance in parallel 
  • (b) Low resistance in parallel
  • (c) Low resistance in series.
  • (d) High resistance in series

( 24) Value of Bohr's mgneton is 1.67 x 10 Am. (True/False) 

(25) Value of angle of dip at poles is 45°. (True/False)

(26) At curie point a ferromagnetic substance becomes diamagnetic. (Ture/Flase) (

27) Magnetic effect of electric current was discovered by Oersted. (True/False) 

(28) Frequency of a.c. in India is 100 Hz. (True/False)

2. Derive a relation between electric current and drift velocity  or 

a potential difference of 10Volt is applied across a resistor of resistance 20 Ohm. Calculate no, of electrons passing in conductor in minute.

3. What is quantisation of charge, explain. OR

Two equal charges palced in air 3m apart exert a force of 0.1 gf. on each other. Calculate magnitude charge. 

4. How does resistivity of a semiconductor charge with increase in temperature, explain.

5. What are diamagnetic substances. Mention their impostant properties.

6. State and explain Lenz's law to find direction of induced current in a circuit.

OR Caulculate current drawn by primary coll of a transformer which steps down 200 volt to 20 volt to operate a device of impedance 20 W. Efficiency of transformer being 80%.

7. What are electric lines of force. Mention their important properties.


Calculate magnitude and direction of electric field which keeps a proton just floating mass of proton = 1.67 x 10⁻²⁷  kg

8. State and explain Faraday's Laws of electro magnetic Induction.

9. Using Biot Savart law derive a relation for magnetic field at centre of a current carrying coil. What is direction of this magnetic field.

OR For a short bar magnet magnetic moment is 0.5 Am² . Find magnetic field at a distance of 10 cm from centre of magnet on its (a) axis (b) equitorial line

10. State and prove Gauss's theorem. OR

In following circuit, capacitance of each capacitor is 2mf. Calculare reasultant capacitance between points  A and B. 

11. What is an ammeter. Why a galvanometer can't be used directly as ammeter. How will you convert a galvanometer into a voltmeter. Explain.

12. Derive a relation for torque acting on a magnetic dipole placed in a uniform magnetic field. 

13. What is a wheatstone bridge. Obtain a condition for its balance.

14. Derive a relation for energy stored in a capacitor. 

15. What is an electric dipole. Define dipole moment. Derive a relation for electric field at axial point of an electric dipole. OR 

What do you mean by electric potential difference between two points. Derive a relation for it. Also define its S.I unit.

16. Derive a relation for torque acting on current carrying coil placed in a magnetic field.


Explain principle, construction and working of a moving coil galvanometer. 

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