BFUHS RECRUITMENT 2023: ਬਾਬਾ ਫਰੀਦ ਯੂਨੀਵਰਸਿਟੀ ਵੱਲੋਂ ਵੱਖ ਵੱਖ ਅਸਾਮੀਆਂ ਤੇ ਭਰਤੀ

BFUHS RECRUITMENT 2023: ਬਾਬਾ ਫਰੀਦ ਯੂਨੀਵਰਸਿਟੀ ਵੱਲੋਂ ਵੱਖ ਵੱਖ ਅਸਾਮੀਆਂ ਤੇ ਭਰਤੀ 

Online applications are invited upto 24/04/2023 from eligible candidates for the recruitment to the posts of Professor-(02), Associate Professor-(14), Assistant Professor (06) on regular basis at constituent colleges/institutions of Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Faridkot (Guru Gobind Singh Medical College & Hospital, Faridkot and Advanced Cancer Institute, Bathinda). For Application form, fee, speciality wise detail of posts, Category wise distribution and other terms & conditions, visit University website:

Qualification & Experience- 
1. Professor: Who have an experience of teaching for a minimum period of ten years after completion of Post Graduation, which shall include three years experience as Reader or Associate Professor and four years experience as Assistant Professor in the concerned specialty in a recognized Post Graduate Medical College and three years as Senior Resident or Registrar or Lecturer or Demonstrator or Tutor or equivalent or higher teaching faculty posts in the concerned specialty in a recognized Medical College.

Publications : Who have four Research Publications (Published or accepted) to their credit, including two publications as first author or corresponding author as Reader or Associate Professor in PubMed or Excerpta Medica or Embased Medica or Index Medicus Journals

2. Associate Professor: who have an experience of teaching for a minimum period of seven years after completion of Post Graduation, which shall include four years experience as Assistant Professor in the concerned specialty in recognized Post Graduate Medical College and three years as Senior Resident or Registrar or Lecturer or Demonstrator or Tutor or equivalent or higher teaching faculty posts in the concerned specialty in a recognized Medical College. Publications : who have two Research Publications (published or accepted) to their credit, including two publications as first author or corresponding author as Assistant Professor in PubMed or Excerpta Medica or Embased Medica or Index Medicus Journals 

 3. Assistant Professor: From amongst the candidates who, after completion of Post Graduation, have an experience of teaching for a minimum period of three years as Senior Resident or Registrar or Lecturer or Demonstrator or Tutor or equivalent or higher teaching faculty posts in the concerned specialty in a recognized Medical College. The candidates who have done super-speciality (DM/M.Ch) in concerned specialty shall be directly eligible for post Assistant Professor. The Candidate who has done DNB, which fulfills the equivalence criteria of National Medical Commission for MD/MS/DM/M.Ch shall be considered as meeting the post graduation qualification.

Application fee:-
All Categories except SC Category Rs. 1770/-(Fee Rs. 1500+ GST Rs. 270 @ 18%)

For SC Category Rs. 885/- (Fee Rs. 750+GST Rs. 135 @ 18%)

Upper Age limit: Age calculated as on 01st January 2023. The candidate should not be
more than 40 years of age in the case of Assistant Professor. The candidate should not more than 45 years in case of Associate Professor and not more than 50 years in the case of Professor/Director.

The Application on prescribed proforma must accompany self attested copies ofcertificates for proof of date of birth, marks sheet, degree, experience, category certificate
(if applicable), residence proof, publications etc.

The applicant is required after filling online application for the post submit hard copy
of online application and must accompany self attested copies of certificate i.e. proof of
date of birth, marks sheet, degree, experience, residence, category certificate (if applicable),
fee receipt proof etc at the office of the Registrar, Baba Farid University of Health
Sciences, Sadiq Road Faridkot upto 26/04/2023 upto 05.00 PM.

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