PUNJAB POLICE RECRUITMENT:ਸਬ-ਇੰਸਪੈਕਟਰ ਦੇ ਅਹੁਦੇ ਲਈ ਭਰਤੀ ਲਈ ਅਰਜ਼ੀਆਂ ਜਮ੍ਹਾਂ ਕਰਨ ਦਾ ਅੱਜ ਆਖਰੀ ਦਿਨ


Punjab police has released notification for the recruitment of Sub inspector in Punjab Police. In this Post you will get all details about Punjab Police SI recruitment 2023.

 Online applications  are invited from Indian citizens for direct recruitment to fill vacancies of ‘Sub Inspectors  in the two cadres of (i) District Police and (ii) Armed Police. 

The recruitment for filling up the vacancies in the two cadres as mentioned above, shall be carried out through a Common Application Form (CAF) and Computer Based Test (CBT) followed by Physical Measurement Test (PMT), Physical Screening Test (PST) with specified qualifying parameters. 

ALSO READ: ਪੰਜਾਬ ਪੁਲਿਸ ਕਾਂਸਟੇਬਲ ਦੀਆਂ 1746 ਅਸਾਮੀਆਂ ਤੇ ਭਰਤੀ, ਜਾਣੋ ਪੂਰੀ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ 

Punjab Police recruitment https://iur.ls/punjabpolicerecruitment2023 Total vacancies: 144

Category No. of
Vacancies reserved for
women (out of the total given
Scheduled Castes Balmiki/Mazhbi Sikhs,
Scheduled Castes Ramdasia & Others,
Backward Classes, Punjab156
Ex-Serviceman (General), Punjab106
Ex-Serviceman Scheduled Castes
Balmiki/Mazhbi Sikh, Punjab
Ex-Serviceman Scheduled Castes
Ramdasia & Others, Punjab
Ex-Serviceman Backward Classes, Punjab30
Economically Weaker Sections, Punjab156
Wards of Police Personnel31
Wards of Freedom Fighters, Punjab10


As per the Punjab Govt. Notification No. FD-FP-10MISC/87/2020-2FP1 dated 29.12.2020 pay scale of the post Sub-Inspector (Punjab Police SI) is Rs. 35,400/- and minimum pay admissible of Rs. 35,400/- per month for three years from the date of joining in service.

Punjab Police SI Recruitment : age and qualifications

Age :

Minimum age as on January 1, 2023 - 18 years
Maximum age as on January 1, 2023 - 28 years

SYLLABUS Punjab Police SI Recruitment 2023 NUMBER OF QUESTIONS
Section-1 General Awareness:
Indian Constitution and its features, Central and State Legislature, Executive & Local Government Institutions, Judicial Institutions, History & Culture of India and Punjab, Science & Technology, Indian Economy, Geography & Environment, Current Affairs (National and International) including current legal developments, Awareness of issues concerning Diversity, Ethics & vulnerable sections of society.
Section-2 Quantitative Aptitude & Numerical Skills:
Numbers & their relations, Simplification, Decimals and Fractions, Ratios and Proportions, Percentage, Average (Mean, Median and Mode), Profit & Loss, Simple & Compound Interest, Time and Work, Mensuration, Speed, Time and Distance, Equations.
Section-3 Punjabi Language Skills:
Punjabi Language skills including Sentence Completion and Structuring, Error Detection, Vocabulary (Synonyms/
Antonyms, One Word Substitution etc.), Reading Comprehension/Passage, Translation from English to
Punjabi, Precis Skills, Fill in the blanks.
Syllabus for the Punjab Police SI recruitment 2023
Physical Measurement Test (PMT) and Physical Screening Test (PST)
For Female Candidates(a) 800 meters run to be completed in 5 minutes (only one chance)
(b) Long Jump 2.75 meters (only 3 chances)
(c) High Jump 0.90 meters (only 3 chances)
For Male Candidates
(excluding Ex-Servicemen above 35 years of age as on January 1, 2023 )
(a) 1600 meters run to be completed in 7:00 minutes
(only one chance)
(b) Long Jump 3.65 meters (only 3 chances)
(c) High Jump 1.10 meters (only 3 chances)
For Ex-Servicemen Male
Candidates of age more than 35 years (as on January 1,
(a) 1400 meters walk and run to be completed in 12
minutes (only one chance)
(b) 10 full squats within 3 minutes (only one chance
PMT and PST for Punjab Police SI Recruitment 2023
For Female Candidates(a) 800 meters run to be completed in 5 minutes (only one chance)
(b) Long Jump 2.75 meters (only 3 chances)
(c) High Jump 0.90 meters (only 3 chances)
For Male Candidates
(excluding Ex-Servicemen above 35 years of age as on January 1, 2023 )
(a) 1600 meters run to be completed in 7:00 minutes
(only one chance)
(b) Long Jump 3.65 meters (only 3 chances)
(c) High Jump 1.10 meters (only 3 chances)
For Ex-Servicemen Male
Candidates of age more than 35 years (as on January 1,
(a) 1400 meters walk and run to be completed in 12
minutes (only one chance)
(b) 10 full squats within 3 minutes (only one chance
PMT and PST for Punjab Police SI Recruitment 2023

Relaxation up to five years in the prescribed upper age limit has been granted to the candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Backward Classes, who
are residents of Punjab.

Educational Qualifications : 1. Educational qualifications for SI Recruitment In Punjab is graduation in any stream 2. Punjabi Pass up to matric

Physical standard : Minimum prescribed height for Punjab Police SI Recruitment 2023

Distt police5’ 7” (5 feet 7 inches)5’ 2” (5 feet 2 inches)
Armed Police5’ 7” (5 feet 7 inches)5’ 2” (5 feet 2 inches)
Physical standard for SI Recruitment

SI recruitment Selection Process

SELECTION PROCESS The selection process shall be a three stage process consisting of the following stages:
• Stage-I: Stage I will consist of three Computer Based, Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) type Papers viz. Paper I, Paper II and Paper III, of which Paper III shall be
qualifying in nature.
• Stage-II: Stage II will consist of Physical Measurement Test (PMT) and Physical Screening Test (PST). Both Physical Measurement Test and Physical Screening Test
shall be qualifying in nature.
• Stage-III: Stage III will consist of Document Scrutiny.

Stage 1

Paper-I shall comprise of 100 questions carrying four (04) marks each.

Syllabus for Punjab Police SI Recruitment 2023 :

Paper will be of total duration 2 hours and Total number of questions –100 ,Maximum marks- 400 

SYLLABUS Punjab Police SI Recruitment 2023 NUMBER OF QUESTIONS
Section-1 General Awareness:
Indian Constitution and its features, Central and State Legislature, Executive & Local Government Institutions, Judicial Institutions, History & Culture of India and Punjab, Science & Technology, Indian Economy, Geography & Environment, Current Affairs (National and International) including current legal developments, Awareness of issues concerning Diversity, Ethics & vulnerable sections of society.
Section-2 Quantitative Aptitude & Numerical Skills:
Numbers & their relations, Simplification, Decimals and Fractions, Ratios and Proportions, Percentage, Average (Mean, Median and Mode), Profit & Loss, Simple & Compound Interest, Time and Work, Mensuration, Speed, Time and Distance, Equations.
Section-3 Punjabi Language Skills:
Punjabi Language skills including Sentence Completion and Structuring, Error Detection, Vocabulary (Synonyms/
Antonyms, One Word Substitution etc.), Reading Comprehension/Passage, Translation from English to
Punjabi, Precis Skills, Fill in the blanks.
Syllabus for the Punjab Police SI recruitment 2023
Physical Measurement Test (PMT) and Physical Screening Test (PST)
For Female Candidates(a) 800 meters run to be completed in 5 minutes (only one chance)
(b) Long Jump 2.75 meters (only 3 chances)
(c) High Jump 0.90 meters (only 3 chances)
For Male Candidates
(excluding Ex-Servicemen above 35 years of age as on January 1, 2023 )
(a) 1600 meters run to be completed in 7:00 minutes
(only one chance)
(b) Long Jump 3.65 meters (only 3 chances)
(c) High Jump 1.10 meters (only 3 chances)
For Ex-Servicemen Male
Candidates of age more than 35 years (as on January 1,
(a) 1400 meters walk and run to be completed in 12
minutes (only one chance)
(b) 10 full squats within 3 minutes (only one chance
PMT and PST for Punjab Police SI Recruitment 2023
Official website for Punjab Police SI recruitment http://www.punjabpolice.gov.in/
Link for official notification Punjab police SI Recruitment 2023Download here
Link for applying Punjab Police SI posts click here
Link for official Notification . link for applying online Punjab Police SI recruitment 2023

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