Syllabus for the recruitment of village devolopment officer / gram sewak 

ਗ੍ਰਾਮ ਸੇਵਕਾਂ ਦੀ ਭਰਤੀ ਲਈ ਸਿਲੇਬਸ 

Plan of Written Examination All the aspirants are informed as under with respect to the written test to be conducted for the recruitment of Village Development Organizer:-
 (i) The Exam will be conducted in MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) format. OMR sheets will be used for answering the questions. 
 (ii) There will be negative marking. Each question carries 1 mark. For every wrong answer, 1/4th mark would be deducted. The question(s) not attempted will receive no credit or discredit.
 (iii) The test would be of 2 hours duration. iv) Pattern of the written competitive examination is as follows:

General Knowledge and Current affairs of National and International importance 25 Marks including: (i) Political issues, (ii) Environment issues, (iii) Current Affairs, (iv) Science and Technology, (v) Economic issues, (vi) History of Punjab-14th century onwards (vii) History of India with special reference to Indian freedom struggle movement. (viii) Sports, (ix) Cinema and Literature.

 2. Mental Ability 25 Marks: Verbal Reasoning : Coding, Decoding, Analogy, Classification, Series, Direction sense test, Blood Relations, Mathematical Operations, Time test, odd man out problems, Logical Venn Diagram, Cubes and Dices, Mirror images, Arithmetical Reasoning, Puzzle Test. Non Verbal Reasoning: Series, Analogy and classification. 

  3. English 12 Marks :- Basic Grammar, Subject and Verb, Adjectives and Adverbs, Synonyms, Antonyms, One Word Substitution, Fill in the Blanks, Correction in Sentences, Spell Checks, Adjectives, Articles, Prepositions, Direct and Indirect Speech, Active and Passive Voice, Correction in Sentences, Idioms and their meanings, etc. 

ਪੰਜਾਬੀ:- 13 Marks
ਸ਼ੁੱਧ-ਅਸ਼ੁੱਧ, ਸ਼ਬਦ ਜੋੜ, ਅਗੇਤਰ ਅਤੇ ਪਿਛੇਤਰ, ਸਮਾਨਾਰਥਕ/ਵਿਰੋਧੀ
ਸ਼ਬਦ, ਨਾਂਵ, ਪੜਨਾਂਵ ਅਤੇ ਕਿਰਿਆ ਦੀਆਂ ਕਿਸਮਾਂ ਅਤੇ ਸਹੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ,
ਲਿੰਗ ਅਤੇ ਵਚਨ, ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਅਖਾਣ ਅਤੇ ਮੁਹਾਵਰੇ, ਅੰਗਰੇਜੀ ਤੋਂ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ
ਅਨੁਵਾਦ ਅਤੇ ਬਹੁਤੇ ਸ਼ਬਦਾਂ ਦੀ ਥਾਂ ਇੱਕ ਸ਼ਬਦ ਆਦਿ।

4. Mathematical Skills- 25 Marks 
Basic numerical skills, Percentage, Number system, LCM and HCF, Ratio and Proportion, Number series, Average, Problems based on Ages, Profit & Loss, Partnership, Simple and Compound Interest, Work and Time, Time and Distance, Mensuration and Data interpretation, Boats and Streams, Races, Mixtures.
Maximum Marks 100


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