Syllabus for store keeper recruitment is divided into 2 parts 

 Part A-Subject Syllabus (Storekeeper)

1. Data, Information and data types(physical /soft form).

2. Environmental Hazards: Safety precautions related to Chemicals and other petroleum products storage.

3. Safety precautions: Electrical safety, Fire safety, causes of fire at store, and precaution against fire, types of fire extinguisher.

4. First aids, Artificial Respiration.

5. Objectives, Importance, Functions and Essentials of good store keeping.

6. Duties, responsibilities &qualities of a good storekeeper.

7. Purchase requisition, Schedule of quotations, Purchase Order,Goods Received note, Goods Inspection Report, Goods returned Note, Materials Debit Note, invoice, invoice stamp.

8. Principles of store location & method of store location.

9. Stores Layout & its basic factors.

10. Location & layout, types of storehouse.

11. Security measures, security of building store and stock yards,movement of men.

12. Marking the stores: Statutory regulations.

13. Type of stores - Raw material store, tool store, general store, packaging store, maintenance & repair store, finish goods &scrap material store.

14. Centralized and Decentralized Stores: Advantages and Disadvantages.

15. Need & methods of Marking of stores items.

16. Importance of material handling, materials handling equipment,types of equipment-hand and power-driven, cost factor in selection of materials handling equipment. Maintenance & care of equipment.

17. Characteristics of storage materials & methods of storing.

18. Store hygiene.

19. Material coding, simplification, standardization and ABC classification of store.

20. Sources of receipt of materials & procedure of receipt of materials.

21. Objective & importance of packaging and its types.

22. Dispatch, inspection & recording procedure of stores.

23. Meaning, functions, objectives and importance of storekeeping and its relationship with purchasing.

24. Role of a storekeeper, duties and responsibilities.

25. Issue procedure of materials.

26. Material Receipt Book, Daily Receipt Voucher, Damage,

27. Shortage Excess Report, Package slip, Bin Card, Stock Register, Stock Identification Card.

28. Inspection & Rejection Note, Material Requisition Slip, Gate Pass, Stock taking sheet, Material Transfer Note, Material Return Note.

29. Basic knowledge of computer: features and applications.

30. Knowledge about computers operating system (Store keeping software). File management through Windows explorer. MS Windows – different versions, advantages and applications of windows.

31. Stock taking sheet /procedures.

32. Understanding of Bins/Locations for materials.

33. Process of issue of items to user after checking the valuation type, material code and plant code etc.

34. Preparation of Purchase orders; contracts and Understanding Purchase orders / Contract.

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