Stage 1.Registration


Stage 2.Fee Payment


Stage 3.Apply Online



Registration Instructions

• Registration is mandatory for applying online.

    • In the Registration, the mobile number and email ID are to be unique and also requires validation for mapping as a registered email/mobile number.

 For this purpose OTP will be sent to the given mobile number and email ID without which the number cannot be registered and candidate cannot make a Registration.

• For registering the application, the candidate required to submit the following basic details.

1. Mobile Number: Candidate has to enter 10 digit mobile number.

2. Email: Candidate has to enter a valid Email ID.

• Candidate should provide a valid mobile number and email through which he/she will receive further course communication. It is mandatory that candidate should keep his/her mobile number and email in active condition during the course of recruitment process as there is no provision for change of these details. Deduplication shall not be allowed. Only one Registration is allowed per candidate

3. Applicant’s Name: Candidate has to enter his/her name as per 10th class certificate.

4. Father’s Name/Mother’s Name: Candidate has to enter his/her Father’s name/Mother’s name as per 10th class certificate.

5. Date of Birth: Candidate has to enter his/her Date of Birth as per 10th class certificate.

6. Gender: Candidate has to enter his/her Gender.

6(a). Select (In Case of Transgender): This field will be enabled only if the candidate selects Transgender above.

7. Community: Community should be selected as per community certificate.

8. Circle in which 10th class passed: Candidate has to enter respective postal circle according to the state passed. The list of states and corresponding circles can be viewed by clicking on the link “click here to know your circle”.

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