6th pay commission: ਡੀਏ ਸਬੰਧੀ ਨੋਟੀਫਿਕੇਸ਼ਨ ਜਾਰੀ , ਪੜ੍ਹੋ

Punjab government announced dearness allowance to all the Employees of Government of Punjab w.e.f. 01.01.2016 as under:- 
Sr. No. Dearness Allowance /Dearness Relief 
Rate of DA/DR in as on revised pay scales. 
 1. 01.01.2016 :  00% 
 2. 01.07.2016:   02%
 3. 01.01.2017:   04% 
 4. 01.07.2017:   05% 
 5. 01.01.2018:   07%
 6. 01.07.2018;   09%
 7. 01.01.2019:   12%
 8. 01.07.2019:   17% 
 2. The arrears of this dearness allowance will be paid along with the arrears of the revised pay calculated as per notification No.09/01/2021-5FP1/671 dated 05th July, 2021.

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