CLASS – 7th Subject : ENGLISH

Time: 3 hrs.
M.M.: 80

Section – A

1. Read the passage and choose the correct option for the following questions: (5)

Diwali is one of the most important festivals of the Hindus. Everyone is happy on the Diwali day. Men, women, and children are full of joy. People wear beautiful clothes. Children go to the shops with their parents. They buy toys and sweets. There is a heavy rush at the shops. People light hundreds of lamps and candles in the evening. Shopkeepers start new account books. People worship Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. They pray to her to give them wealth and health.

  1. People are full of joy on the occasion of ...............
    (a) Holi (b) Id (c) Diwali (d) Christmas
  2. Children go to the shops with their
    (a) friends (b) parents (c) mother (d) classmates
  3. What do the children buy?
    (a) Toys (b) Sweets (c) Toys and sweets (d) books
  4. Diwali is an important festival of
    (a) Muslims (b) Christians (c) Sikhs (d) Hindus
  5. Goddess Lakshmi is called the goddess of ...............
    (a) health (b) wealth (c) welfare (d) none of these

2. Look at the picture carefully and answer the questions: (5)

  1. What is the name of this object?
    (a) traffic police (b) street light (c) traffic light
  2. Where do we find this object?
    (a) in the hospital (b) on the roads (c) in the park
  3. This object is related to ...............
    (a) rules of road (b) rules of home (c) rules of school
  4. Which light says us to stop?
    (a) red (b) green (c) yellow
  5. Yellow light says us to ...............
    (a) stop (b) go (c) wait

3. Comprehension based on dialogue conversation: (5 × 1=5)

Shabad : Good afternoon
Ritu : Good afternoon
Shabad : So, where are you going now?
Ritu : I am going to meet my friend Garmia in Kilkata market.
Shabad : Oh, so nice, I have to buy a new school uniform.
Ritu : Will you accompany me?
Shabad : Yes, it will be great fun for me.
Ritu: So, can we move now so that we can reach on time?
Shabad : Sure.

  1. This conversation is between ...............
    (a) Shabad and Garima (b) Ritu and Garima (c) Ritu and Shabad
  2. Where is Ritu going?
    (a) to meet her sister Garmia (b) to meet her friend Garmia (c) to buy a school uniform
  3. What does Shabad want to buy?
    (a) some new books (b) a new school uniform (c) new shoes
  4. What was the time of conversation?
    (a) early morning (b) afternoon (c) night
  5. What does Ritu want Shabad to do?
    (a) to buy something (b) to accompany her (c) to meet her friend

Section – B

4. Short answer type questions (any five out of six) (5 × 2=10)

  1. Who was the first Indian to climb Everest?
  2. Why did the farmer buy the well?
  3. Where did they go to solve the issue?

5. Word meaning (any three): (3 out of 5)

Justice, trek, frozen, precious, clown

6. Make the sentences: (Do any 4) (1 × 4 = 4)

Farmer, trains, magician, journey, well, Brahmin

7. Fill-ups (True/False) (3)

  1. Birbal understood the situation.
  2. The hunter found the dog.
  3. Mount Everest is the highest point on the planet.

8. Match the following: (4 × 1 = 4)

  1. A bunch - A. of sheep
  2. A flock - B. of cattle
  3. A herd - C. of bouquet
  4. A school - D. of fish

9. Questions based on stanza of poems (Any two out of 3) (2 × 2 = 4)

The hunter went on a journey,
To find some dear meat.
He saw a buck and looked into his eyes so black,
He saw a plea, the buck begging for his life,
A doe and a fawn came from behind,
Needing the buck in their lives.

  1. Where did the hunter go?
  2. What did the hunter want to eat?
  3. What was the colour of the buck’s eyes?

10. Questions based on poems (Any two out of 3) (3 × 2 = 6)

  1. What did the hunter want to eat?
  2. What are freight cars?
  3. What did the hunter see?

Section – C

11. Do as directed:

  1. Fill the conjunctions: (2)
    (a) I am feeling sleepy ............... I am very tired.
    (b) I did not clean the room ........ it became dirty (so, because)
  2. Fill the right determiners: (2)
    (a) I bought ............... apples from this shop.
    (b) We need ............... bananas. (a few, some)
  3. Tick the right articles: (2)
    (a) This is (a / an / the) interesting story.
    (b) The water in (a / an / the) river is dirty.
  4. Adverbs: (2)
    (a) True + ly = ...............
    (b) Warm + ly = ...............
  5. Fill the correct adjectives: (2)
    (a) The elephant has the ............... trunk. (longer / longest)
    (b) My room is ............... than yours. (clean, cleaner, cleanest)
  6. Fill in the blanks with Present Continuous Tense: (2)
    (a) My teacher ............... (talk) on the phone right now.
    (b) I ............... (go) for a walk today.
  7. Write an application to the Principal of your school for full fee concession. (6)
    Write an application to the Headmaster of your school for sick leave.
  8. A Journey by Bus OR A Visit to A Hill Station (4)
  9. Translate from English to Punjabi: (2)
    (a) Where do you live?
    (b) Anju is driving a car?
    (c) Let him speak.
  10. Translate from Punjabi to English: (2)
    (a) ਮੈਂ ਸਕੂਲ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹਾਂ
    (b) ਬੱਚੇ ਖੇਡ ਰਹੇ ਹਨ
    (c) ਸ਼ਾਂਤ ਬਣਾਈ ਰੱਖੋ।

16. 5 marks for good handwriting

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