During summer vacation children stick to the television most of the time. Write a letter to the Director, Doordarshan, suggesting new programmes you would like to have for children. You are Sohan Lal 43- Arjun Nagar, Gobindgarh.

43, Arjun Nagar  


October 9, 2023  

The Director  


New Delhi  

Subject: New programmes for children.  


I would like to draw your kind attention towards the programmes you are showing on Doordarshan. Most of the programmes are meant for adults. They are of no use for children. This is time of summer vacation. During summer vacation children stick to the television most of the time. Kindly show the programmes on cartoons, general knowledge and moral values for children.  

Thanking you  

Yours faithfully  

Sohan Lal

You are Pramod Kumar living at G-576, Niwas Puri, Delhi. There is no shed at the bus stand in your colony causing hardships to people in bad weather. Write a letter to the chairman, Delhi Transport Corporation, requesting him to make necessary arrangements.

G-576, Niwas Puri  


October 9, 2023  

The Chairman  

Delhi Transport Corporation  

New Delhi  

Subject: Request for a shed at the bus stand.  


I would like to draw your kind attention to the need of a shed at the bus stand in my colony. This is a big problem. Ours is a big colony and many people travel by bus every day. There is no shed at the bus stand in my colony causing hardships to people in bad weather. Kindly, look into the matter.  

Thanking you  

Yours faithfully  

Pramod Kumar


Letter to the Superintendent of Police (Traffic), Chandigarh, requesting him to install traffic lights at the crossing near your school.

D.A.V. School  


March 4, 2024  

The Superintendent of Police  


Sub: Traffic lights at the crossing  


I would like to draw your kind attention to the need of traffic lights at the crossing near my school. My school is in Sector 29. Traffic is a big problem at the crossing. It is very difficult to cross the road at this point. One student of my school died in an accident last week. Kindly install traffic lights at the crossing near my school as soon as possible. Please look into the matter.  

Yours faithfully  

Rajan Singh  

Class XII


Imagine you are Komal Verma. You live in 53-Central Town, Jalandhar. The postman of your street is rude and irregular. Write a letter to the Postmaster complaining against the conduct of the postman.

53, Central Town  


October 3, 2023  

The Postmaster  

Jalandhar City  

Sub: Complaint against the conduct of a postman.  


I would like to draw your kind attention to the conduct of a postman of our street. His name is Vijay Kumar. He is rude and irregular. His behaviour is not good. He comes late and gives the letters to wrong persons. Yesterday, he delivered my letter to someone else. Please look into the matter. He is a big problem for us.  

Thanking you  

Yours faithfully  

Komal Verma


Imagine you are Raman. You live in Gali Ram Nath, Malerkotla. Write a complaint to the Health Officer of your town about the insanitary condition of your street.

Gali Ram Nath  


October 9, 2023  

The Health Officer  


Subject: Insanitary condition of our street.  


I would like to draw your kind attention to the insanitary condition of Gali Ram Nath. The condition is very bad. During the rainy season, there is water everywhere in the street. Heaps of garbage can be seen everywhere. There is no outlet for dirty water. There is a big problem of mosquitoes. People are getting sick.  

Please look into the matter.  

Yours faithfully  



Letter to an editor to create awareness among the masses about pollution hazards.

12 Balmik Colony  


March 4, 2024  

The Editor  

The Tribune  


Sub: Awareness among masses about pollution hazards.  


I would be grateful if you publish the following lines in your paper. Pollution is a big problem today. There is need to create awareness among the masses about pollution hazards. There is air pollution, water pollution and land pollution. Pollution is killing us. We all should fight to save our lives.  

Yours faithfully  



Letter to the Editor of a newspaper suggesting how the problem of begging can be stopped.

Adarsh Vihar  


March 4, 2024  

The Editor  

The Tribune  


Sub: The problem of begging.  


I would be grateful if you publish the following lines in your paper. Begging is a big problem today. This has become an easy job for many. Steps should be taken to stop begging. People should not encourage them by giving alms. Government should create jobs for them.  

Yours faithfully  

Manpreet Kaur

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