MULTI TASK BHARTI HIMACHAL 2022: पीडब्ल्यूडी विभाग में मल्टी टास्क वर्करों की भर्ती, 31 मई तक करें आवेदन



Applications are invited from the eligible applicants as per eligibility criteria notified by the Principal Secretary (PW) to the Government of HP vide Notification No. PBW-AB(1)-03/2021 dated 12.04.2022 for the posts of Multi Task Workers (Lok Nirman) in HPPWD and further approval and allotment of posts conveyed by the Engineer-in-Chief, HPPWD Shimla-02 vide letter No. PWE-133-11-MTW (Lok Nirman) ES-111-2200-29 dated 05.05.2022 under HPPWD Division Joginder Nagari Baijnath & Mandi No-l at Padhar on the prescribed application forms either in Hindi or English alongwith self attested copies of relevant supporting documents on the following terms and conditions. 

The application should reach in the office of the Executive Engineers HPPWD Division Joginder Nagar, Baijnath & Mandi No-l at Padhar on or before 31/05/2022. 

The applications received after last date or found incomplete shall not be entertained and will be rejected. The applicants should mention their mobile number, if any, in the application form.

 No TAJDA shall be payable to the applicants for appearing in skill and physical test.
Eligibility :- Only such candidate will be eligible to apply for post of Multi Task Worker, who is :- 
 1) Citizen of India. 
 ii) Bonafide Himachali
 iii) Of a sound mind.
 iv) No family member of the candidate should be in any kind of Government/PSU/Board job. 
 V) Have never been involved in any act of criminal nature. 
 vi) Medically fit to perform strenuous manual work. 
 Vii) Permanent resident of the Village/Gram Panchayat/Urban local body of the area, located in the Sub-Division/Division HPPWD, for whom the recruitment is being done. 

 1. Educational Qualification :- The candidate should have a minimum qualification of Middle Pass (8th) from a school/Institution situated within Himachal Pradesh. 

The condition of passing 8th from Himachali School shall not be applicable to Bonafide Himachali. Desirable:- Knowledge of custom, manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh. 

 2. Age Criteria:- The candidate shall be between the age of 18 and 45. 

 3. List of Documents required to be attached with application form:- 

 1) Aadhar Card (for Identify proof and Residence proof). 
 2) Certificate of Age proof (The birth certificate issued by Municipal or Panchayat or Middle school certificate from the recognized school last at- tended, or Matriculation certificate as the case may be shall be treated as valid document. (Rule 172 of HPFR, 2009).

 3) Certificate of Himachall Bonafide (Issued by SDO(C) Tehsildar/Naib Tehsildar). 

 4) Certificate to the effect that no family member of the candidate in Government/PSU/Board job (Issued by SDO (C) Tehsildar/Naib Tehsildar). 

 5) Social Category (SC/ST/OBC/EWS) Certificate (Issued by SDO(C) Tehsildari Naib Tehsildar). 

 6) Class 8th (Middle) Mark Sheet/certificate of passing - educational qualification. 

 7) BPL Certificate (if applicable) (Issued by the concerned Gram Panchayat on the prescribed format with reference number and date of issuance duly signed by concerned Panchayat Secretary / Sahayak and countersigned by concerned Gram Panchayat Pradhan and attested by the BDO concerned and in case of Urban area by Commissioner in Municipal Corporation, Executive Officer in Municipal Council, Secretary in Nagar Panchayats).

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