CLASS – 9th


Time: 3 hrs.
M.M: 80

Section – A (Reading Comprehension)

1. Read the passage and choose the correct option of the following questions: (5x1=5)

One evening, a boy of three was out for a walk with his father. There was also an elderly man with his father. Chatting, they walked on and went beyond the village. The green crops delighted the eyes. The elders were walking along the edge of a field. Not hearing the footsteps of the boy, the father looked back. The boy was sitting on the ground and seemed to be planting something. The father became curious. "What are you doing?" said he. "Look, Father, I shall grow guns all over the field," was the innocent reply of the boy. His eyes shone with the strong faith that guns would grow in the field. Both the elders struck with wonder at the little boy's words. The boy was Bhagat Singh who later fought like a hero for India’s freedom and sacrificed his life.

  1. Where were the elders walking?
    (a) along the bank of a canal
    (b) along the edge of a well
    (c) along the bank of a river
    (d) along the edge of a field.
  2. What was the boy doing when his father looked back?
    (a) he was sitting on the ground
    (b) He was planting something
    (c) both (a) and (b)
    (d) neither (a) or (b).
  3. What faith did the boy have?
    (a) he believed that bombs would grow in the field
    (b) He believed that guns would grow in the field
    (c) he believed that green crops would grow in the field.
    (d) he believed that brave men would grow in the field.
  4. Father looked back because .............
    (a) he did not hear the footsteps of his son.
    (b) his son was calling him
    (c) his son was left behind
    (d) his son asked him to do so.
  5. Bhagat Singh sacrificed his life for .............
    (a) his family
    (b) truth
    (c) India’s freedom
    (d) his ideals.

(b) Look at this picture and answer the questions given below: (5x1=5)

  1. India recorded ........ the year between 2016 and 2017.
    (a) 24% increases in malaria
    (b) malaria-free tag
    (c) 24% decrease in malaria cases
    (d) all of these three.
  2. India’s malaria cases recording 4% of the:
    (a) countries of Africa
    (b) Asian countries
    (c) global malaria burden
    (d) European countries.
  3. Choose the option that lists the statement which is true.
    (a) Malaria deaths in India have been increasing since 2017
    (b) Malaria deaths in India increased in 194 till Sept. 2018
    (c) Malaria case in India has been increasing since 2017
    (d) Malaria cases in India declined to 29 in 2018 (till Sept.) from 194 in 2017.
  4. According to health ministry’s report around .......... cases of malaria were reported in India in September 2018.
    (a) 3 million
    (b) 2,76,488
    (c) 435000
    (d) none of these.
  5. How many cases of malaria has been estimated all over the world?
    (a) 276488
    (b) 21,90,00,000
    (c) 21900000
    (d) 219000.


Objective Type Questions

  1. Answer the following objective type questions. (8x1=8)
  2. What should one never sell?
  3. Bose found similarities between .......... and non-living things.
  4. Money makes the ............ go.
    (a) horse
    (b) mare
    (c) world
    (d) universe.
  5. Sher Singh lived in a jungle. (True / False)
  6. Where did the poor boy in the story live?
  7. Who did the boy give his all money to?
    (a) the farmer
    (b) an old beggar
    (c) the hangman
    (d) the magistrate.
  8. Sushil was a well-behaved boy. (True / false)
  9. What excuse did Sushil make for not going to school?
    (a) tummy-ache
    (b) head-ache
    (c) leg-pain
    (d) back-pain.

SECTION – C (English Textbook)

(a) Answer any three of the following questions in short. (2x3=6)

  1. What should one beware of? (Grooming of a Boy)
  2. Name the instrument made by Jagdish Chandra Bose. (Plants also Breathe and Feel)
  3. What do people believe about the power of money? (Budgeting Your Time)
  4. Who was Sher Singh Bahadur? (Journey By Night)
  5. What can plants feel? (Plants also Breathe and Feel)

(b) List the qualities which make a good human being. (1x3=3)

Why is the budgeting of time important?

4. (a) Read the stanza of the poem and answer any two questions. (2x1½=3)

He is there where the tiller is
tilling the hard ground and where
the path-maker is breaking stones.
He is with them in sun and shower

  1. Write the name of the poem and the poet.
  2. What is the tiller doing?
  3. What is the path-maker doing?

(b) Where can God be found? (Open They Eyes and See Thy God) (3)

What is the central idea of the poem ‘No Men are Foreign’?


5. Answer any three of the following questions in 25-30 words. (3x3=9)

  1. Why did the boy go to the farmer? (The Magic Violin)
  2. What happened when the Lady of Wishes changed them once more? (Wishes Come True)
  3. Did anyone help the dog? (In the Flood)
  4. What did the farmer ask the boy to do? (The Magic Violin)
  5. Why did Sushilchandra’s neighbours get angry with him? (Wishes Come True)


6. Do as directed: (1x4=4)

  1. In the following sentence the word ‘set’ means fixed or arranged?
    The table has been set for the party.
  2. Use the following word as Noun and Verb in a sentence of your own:
  3. Give the synonyms of the following words:
    Wear, right
  4. Give the antonyms of the following words:
    Early, honest

SECTION E : GRAMMAR, Translation and Composition

7. (a) Translate any three of the following sentences from English to Punjabi: (3)

  1. Bose was by nature a rebel.
  2. Steer him away from envy.
  3. Every second in life is important.
  4. There are no men in the village.

(b) Translate any three of the following sentences from Punjabi to English: (3)

  1. ਸਾਨੂੰ ਆਪਣੇ ਦੇਸ਼ ਦੀ ਸੇਵਾ ਕਰਨੀ ਚਾਹੀਦੀ ਹੈ।
  2. ਮੈਂ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਕੂੜ ਪੈਸੇ ਉਧਾਰ ਦੇ ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ।
  3. ਸੁਰਜ ਪੂਰਬ ਵਿੱਚ ਨਿਕਲਦਾ ਹੈ।
  4. ਉਸਨੇ ਚਾਹ ਪੀਤੀ।
  5. ਕੀ ਗੁਰੂਮੁਖ ਸੋ ਰਹਾ ਸੀ?

8. Grammar (do as directed) (10x1=10)

  1. Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners: (2)
    1. Gold is ............ precious metal.
    2. He teaches me for ............ hours.
  2. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions: (2)
    1. He fell ...... the river.
    2. He sat .......... the ground.
  3. Fill in the blanks with suitable modals: (2)
    1. The rich ............ help the poor. (should / must)
    2. He ............ not insult me. (dare / must)
  4. Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunctions: (2)
    1. He worked hard ............ he failed. (and / yet)
    2. This is the lady ........ purse has been stolen. (whom / whose)
  5. (a) She hopes that she will pass this year. (Pick out the Noun Clause)
  6. (b) This is the school where Raju got his education. (Pick out the Adjective Clause)

9. Suppose you are Surjit Singh. Write an e-mail to your friend, Vipin Goyal, inviting him to watch a play. (3)


Read the passage given below and make notes:

There are three types of American rice. Long grain is slender and the grains remain separate when cooked. It is suited to main dishes, salads and soups. Medium grain is plumper than long grain and more tender when cooked. Short grain is almost round; the grains stick together when cooked.

Rice is also classified according to the ways it is processed. Brown rice retains the bran and germ (and therefore more nutrient); Parboiled or Converted rice is soaked, steamed, and dried before milling. It retains more nutrients than white but takes 5 to 10 minutes longer to cook. Pre-cooked white rice is cooked and dehydrated after milling and needs little cooking.

Classification of American rice

  1. (a) How it looks:
  2. (b) How it is processed:

(b) Write a paragraph on: My Neighbour Or The Golden Temple (4)

(c) You are Kamal and you live in New Model Town, Moga. Write a letter to your cousin Raman to spend summer vacation together. (6)


Write a letter to The Editor of Femina, address ($123, Sector 19, Chandigarh) for ordering a magazine.

10. Marks for good handwriting (5)

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