(01.12.2021)   Answer are bold

1. The example of budding is 

  • a. Amoeba 
  • b. Hydra 
  • c. Planaria 
  • d. Euglena

2. Haploid gametes on their fusion produce 

  • a. Seed 
  • b. Fruit 
  • c. Zygote 
  • d. Embryo

3. Organisms that lay eggs are called 

  • a. Oviparous 
  • b. Viviparous 
  • c. Ovoviviparous 
  • d. None of these

4. In Bryophyllum, vegetative reproduction occurs by means of 

  • a. Stem 
  • b. Root 
  • c . Leaves 
  • d. All of the above

5. Pollination by the agency of water is called 

  • a. Entomophily 
  • b. Zoophily 
  • c. Hydrophily 
  • d. Anemophily

6. Receptive part of the carpel is 

  • a. Stigma 
  • b. Nucellus 
  • c. Exine 
  • d. Style

7. The function of tapetum is 

  • a. Supportive 
  • b. Nutritive 
  • c. Mechanical 
  • d. Protective

8. Flowers with both androecium and gynoecium are called a

  • a. Pistillate 
  • b. Unisexual 
  • c. Bisexual 
  • d. Staminate

9. Sertoli cells secrete the hormone 

  • a. Relaxin 
  • b. Testosterone 
  • c. Inhibin 
  • d. Gonadotrophin

10. Ovulation in human females is controlled by 

  • a. LH 
  • b. Oxytocin 
  • c. Gonadotropin 
  • d. All of the above

11. Implantation is the attachment of blastocyst to 

  • a. Ovarian wall 
  • b. Uterine wall 
  • c. Fallopian tube 
  • d. Ampulla

12. Hormones for the menstrual cycle are produced by 

  • a. Ovary 
  • b. Uterus 
  • c. Ovary and pituitary 
  • d. Fallopian tube

13. AIDS is the ----disease 

  • a. Fungal 
  • b viral 
  • c. Bacterial 
  • d. Protozoan

14. Maximum growth rate occurs in 

  • a. Lag phase 
  • b. Exponential phase 
  • c. Stationary phase 
  • d. Senescent phase

15. Expand the ART 

  • a. Artificial reproductive technology 
  • b. Assisted reproductive technology 
  • c. Artificial reproductive technique 
  • d. Assisted reproductive technique

16. What is related to males 

  • a. Tubectomy 
  • b. Oral pills 
  • c. CuT 
  • d. Vasectomy

17. Ratio 9:3:3:1 is obtained in a cross due to 

  • a. Segregation of genes 
  • b. Crossing over 
  • c. Linkage 
  • d. Independent assortment of alleles

18. The cause of Down's syndrome is 

  • a. Trisomy of X chromosome 
  • b. Trisomy of 21st chromosome 
  • c. Monosomy of 21st chromosome 
  • d. Nullisomy of 21st chromosome

19. The sex of human child is determined by 

  • a. Size of egg 
  • b. Size of sperm 
  • c. sex chromosome of father 
  • d. Sex chromosome of mother

20. A gene showing codominance has 

  • a. One allele is dominant over the other 
  • b. Allele tightly linked to chromosome 
  • c. Alleles can express them independently 
  • d. Alleles that shows crossing over

21. Uracil is present in RNA at the place of 

  • a. Thymine 
  • b. Adenine 
  • c. Guanine 
  • d. Cytosine

22. Which of the following is referred to as soluble RNA 

  • a. rRNA  
  • b. tRNA 
  • c. mRNA 
  • d. dsRNA

23. The process of transcription involves 

  • a. Synthesis of DNA 
  • b. Synthesis of RNA 
  • c. Synthesis of proteins 
  • d . Expression of genes

24. Nucleosomes are composed of 

  • a. RNA and proteins 
  • b. DNA and RNA 
  • c. DNA and non histone proteins 
  • d. DNA and histone proteins

25. A bacteriophage is 

  • a. Bacterium that attacks another bacterium 
  • b. Virus that attacks humans 
  • c. Virus that attacks bacteria 
  • d. Bacterium that attacks virus 

26. Analogous organs arise due to 

  • a. Artificial selection 
  • b. Genetic drift 
  • c. Divergent evolution 
  • d. Convergent evolution

27. Factors affecting Hardy Weinberg equilibrium are 

  • a. gene flow 
  • b. Genetic drift 
  • c. Mutation 
  • d. All of the above

28. Lichens are used as an indicator for 

  • a. Air pollution 
  • b. Soil pollution 
  • c. Water pollution 
  • d. Minerals

29. Sum total of all allelic frequencies is 

  • a. 0.1 
  • b. 1 
  • c. 1.5 
  • d. 0

30. Which gas was absent in the prebiotic environment 

  • a. Methane 
  • b. Ammonia 
  • c. Oxygen 
  • d. None of these

31. Ascaris lumbricoides is an endoparasite that lives in 

  • a. Humans 
  • b. Sheep 
  • c. Grasshopper 
  • d. All of the above

32. The immunoglobulin abundant in colostrum is 

  • a. IgA 
  • b. IgB 
  • c. IgD 
  • d. IgE

33. The organ which is most affected by alcohol is 

  • a. Heart 
  • b. Liver 
  • c. Cerebellum 
  • d. Cerebrum

34. Sarcoma is the cancer of 

  • a. Epithelial tissue 
  • b. Blood 
  • c. Mesodermal tissue 
  • d. Endodermal tissue

35. An antibody is 

  • a. A carbohydrate found in blood 
  • b. A secretion of an RBC 
  • c. WBC that attacks bacteria 
  • d. Molecule that specifically reacts an antigen

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