
01. The scientific term for biological classification categories is the:- 

  • a. Species 
  • b. Taxon 
  • c. Phylum
  • d. Domain

02. Which among the following is not a prokaryote : 

  • a. Saccharomyces 
  • b. Mycobacterium 
  • c. Nostoc.
  • d. Oscillatoria

03. Methanogens belong to:- 

  • a. Eubacteria 
  • b. Archaebacteria 
  • c. Dinoflagellates 
  • d. Slime Mould

04. Which of the following algae contains mannitol as reserve food material:- 

  • a.Volvox 
  • b. Ulothrix
  • c. Ectocarpus 
  • d. Gracilaria

05. Turtles are:- 

  • a. Arthropods 
  • b. Pisces 
  • c. Reptiles 
  • d. Molluscs

06. Who wrote the book Systema Naturae ? 

  • a. Lamarck 
  • b. Darwin 
  • c. Wallace 
  • d. Linnaeus

07. In marginal placentation, placenta forms a ridge along the:-

  • a. Ventral Suture 
  • b. Dorsal Suture
  • c. Anterior Suture 
  • d. Posterior Suture

08. The following diagram can represent the position of the ovary in:- 

  • a. Brinjal 
  • b. Guava 
  • c. Rose 
  • d. Mustard

09. Lignin is a component of the secondary walls of:-

  • a. Epidermis 
  • b .Collenchyma
  • c. Sclerenchyma 
  • d. Parenchyma

10. In male cockroaches, sperms are stored in which part of the reproductive system ?

  • a. Seminal Vesicles 
  • b. Mushroom Glands 
  • c. Testes 
  • d. Vas Deferens

11. The major site for synthesis of lipids is:- 

  • a. RER 
  • b. SER 
  • c. Symplast 
  • d. Nucleoplasm

12. What are Singer and Nicolson known for:- 

  • a. One-gene-one enzyme hypothesis
  • b .Plasma membrane modifications 
  • c. Fluid- mosaic model of plasma membrane 
  • d. Structure of DNA

13. Which one of the following gives positive Fehling’s solution test ? 

  • a. Sucrose 
  • b. Glucose 
  • c. Fats
  • d. Proteins

14. Deficiency of Vitamin B1 causes the disease:-

  •  a. Convulsions 
  • b. Beri – Beri 
  • c. Cheilosis 
  • d. Sterility

15.  Dissolution of the synaptonemal complex occurs during:- 

  • a. Zygotene 
  • b. Diplotene 
  • c. Leptotene
  • d. Pachytene

16. Attraction of water molecules to polar surfaces is called as:- 

  • a. Connotation 
  • b. Adnation
  • c. Cohesion  
  • d. Adhesion

17. Which of the following helps in the ascent of sap ? 

  • a. Root pressure 
  • b. Transpiration 
  • c. Capillarity
  • d. All of these

18. The label of a herbarium sheet does not carry information on:- 

  • a. Data of collection 
  • b. Name of collection 
  • c. Local names 
  • d. Height of plant

19. Phycoerythrin is the major pigment in:- 

  • a. Red Algae 
  • b. Blue green Algae 
  • c. Green Algae 
  • d. Brown Algae

20. Conifers are adapted to tolerate extreme environmental conditions because of:- 

  • a. Broad hardy leaves 
  • b. Superficial stomata 
  • c. Thick cuticle 
  • d. The presence of vessels

21. Homeothermy is exhibited by:- 

  • a. All amniotes 
  • b. Birds and Mammals
  • c. All deuterostomes 
  • d. Reptiles and Mammals

22. The region responsible for growth in the root of length is:- 

  • a. A
  • b. B
  • c. C 
  • d. D

23. The vascular cambium normally give rise to:- 

  • a. Phelloderm 
  • b. Primary phloem 
  • c. Secondary xylem 
  • d. Periderm

24. Which type of tissue correctly matches its location ?

Tissue Location

  • a. Areolar tissue ----------- Tendons 
  • b. Transitional epithelium ------------ Tip of nose
  • c. Cuboidal epithelium ------------ Lining of stomach
  • d. Smooth muscle ------------ Wall of intestine

25. Osteocytes are present in ________ white chondrocytes are present in ________. 

  • a. Lacunae, cavities 
  • b. Cavities, lacunae 
  • c. Sinuses, lacunae
  • d. Lacunae, holes

26. Cytochromes are found in:- 

  • a. Matrix of mitochondria 
  • b. Outer wall of mitochondria 
  • c. Cristae of mitochondria 
  • d. Lysosomes

27. Given below is a schematic break – up of the phases of cell cycle. Which one of the following is the correct indication of the stage/phase in the cell cycle ?

  • a. B – metaphase
  • b. C – karyokinesis
  • c. D – synthesis phase
  • d. A – cytokinesis

28. What do A,B,C and D represent in the following figure ? 

  • a. A : Carrier protein, B : Symport, C : Uniport, D : Antiport
  • b. A : Carrier protein, B : Uniport, C : Antiport, D : Symport
  • c. A : Carrier protein, B : Antiport, C : Symport, D : Uniport
  • d. A : Carrier protein, B : Uniport, C : Symport, D : Antiport

29. Cell wall is absent in:- 

  • a. Aspergillus 
  • b. Funaria 
  • c. Mycoplasma 
  • d. Nostoc

30. What is not true for a generalized mollusc ?

  • a. Body segmented into head, visceral mass & foot
  • b. A rasping tongue like organ – radula present
  • c. Mantle cavity with gills
  • d. Excretory structure – nephridia

31. Which of the following is not a correct floral character of the member of the family Solanaceae ?

  • a. Flower – Zygomorphic 
  • b. Calyx – Valvate aestivation 
  • c. Stamens – Epipetalous
  • d. Fruit – Berry or Capsule

32. The common bottle cork is a product of:- 

  • a. Dermatogens 
  • b. Phellogen 
  • c. Xylem 
  • d. Vascular Cambium

33. Match the following and select the correct answer:-

    List – I                      List – II

  • A. Centriole I.           Infolding in Mitochondria
  • B. Chlorophyll       II. Thylakoids
  • C. Cristae          III. Nucleic Acids
  • D. Ribozymes IV. Basal body cilia or flagella

a. A – IV B – II C – I D – III

b. A – I B – II C – IV D – III

c. A – I B – III C – II D – IV

d. A – IV B – III C – I D – II

34. Nitrogenase enzyme contains:- 

  • a. Fe – S protein 
  • b. Mo – Fe – S protein 
  • c. Both a and b 
  • d. None of these

35. Bacterium divides every 35 min. If a culture containing 10 ⁵ cells per mL is grown for 175 minutes, what will be the cell concentration per mL after 175 minutes ?

  •  a. 5 X 10⁵ cells 
  • b.35 X 10⁵ cells
  • c. 32 X 10⁵ cells 
  • d.174 X 10⁵ cells

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